Chapter 1

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"Hey Langa" a voice called from behind. It was Joe. "Oh, hello Joe." Langa said as the taller man walked towards him. "Nice day, ain't it?" Joe said as he put his back on the wall. "Yeah. It is." Langa responded. "Y'know, I feel like I've been forgetting something." Joe said "Ah, well I can't help. I forget every single thing I get told." Langa responded. "Not even when Rek, ah!" Joe said, interrupting himself. "What is it?", Langa asked. "It's Reki's birthday today!!" Langa looked at Joe with wide eyes. "What should I do..?" Langa thought to himself. His heart sunk, he had forgotten Reki's birthday.

He dashed away from Joe, "Sorry, Joe!! I'll make this up to you..!" Langa called to Joe as he picked up his skateboard. "How could he not tell me?!" Langa thought, skating out of S.

"No, this is my fault. Reki did nothing. He asked me so many questions.." Langa said, slowing down before he stopped skating. "I never asked him anything about himself.", he mumbled as he picked up his skateboard.

"No, this is not a time to be dreading!! I'm in a relationship with him, so I need to do something for him. Especially today." Langa had realized as he once again started skating. The thought of Reki made Langa have more motivation to do things for him. He skated to the bakery, and bought a small purple cake. It had already said "Happy Birthday", so he skated to his house, with a box of cake in his hands. When he got home, he met his mom. "Langa? I thought you said you were gonna hang out with one of your friends?" She said

"Oh. Uhm. Hi mom. Are you willing to give me some advice?" Asked Langa. "Yeah, what is it?", and even though Nanako seemed to be calm, she was as much as a mess as Langa. He was worried about her son, as he never asks for help with anything.

"First of all, do we have any chocolate syrup?"
Asked Langa.

"Oh yeah we do. It's in the side door of the fridge." Nanako responded. Langa got the sweet syrup, and wrote "Reki" under neath the words "Happy Birthday".

He put the cake back in the box, and put it in the fridge. He sat down at the table with his mother, saying "So uhm, I have this friend." "A friend? That's nice. But what's wrong?" Nanako asked. "Well, I kind of forgot this friend's birthday today. Uhm, what should I do?" Langa asked. "Well, you should go to their house and try to make it up to them." Nanako said. "Okay, thank you." Langa said, though he was already planning to do that. "Oh, Langa.!" He heard his mom say. "Show her she's a lucky girl!" Nanako said as Langa opened the door. "Mom, it's still not a girl." He said, as he walked outside of the house. And then the door opened again, "Thank you." Langa quickly said before closing it again.

"I wonder why he's so worried.." Nanako sighed as her son left.

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