09. Needle In the Hay

Start from the beginning

i'm tired

There was always a sense of guilt that consumed Layne like a fire after she did anything remotely promiscuous. But she knew Rafe was good at convincing and would make her feel like the worst person on planet earth if she didn't do this one thing for him. Like getting him off was the only thing she was good for.

Cmon baby please I'm so horny

Layne turned over again and pulled her blanket over her head. She chewed on her nail a bit more, typing something and then deleting it before taking the cover off her head. Layne got up and locked her bedroom door, even though she wasn't sure if her parents were even home. Her hands were shaking as she stripped down to her underwear and laid back down on the bed.

Layne did pride herself on being able to take good naked pictures of herself. Marian and Claudia taught her the proper angles and how to pose to make her look more seductive than she actually was. She readjusted her hair and took a few before zooming in on every part of herself. She was too skinny it made her cry, and she sent them before she could cry even more. Layne threw her phone face down on the bed before putting her clothes back on and rubbing her face. Her phone buzzed and she hesitantly turned it on.

Your so hot

He used the wrong you're and it annoyed her. She didn't say anything back until he sent a picture of himself in the shower. Layne looked at it and screwed up her face in disgust. She still saved it to her phone and tried to change the subject. The consistent texting was throwing her off and she didn't want to get too used to it.

since when do you want to text me so much

She didn't feel proud of that one. If anything, it was a bitch move—she knew that. But part of her wanted to see how he responded.

Since ur my girlfriend

Her heart skipped a beat and she didn't answer him. It felt bittersweet having him say that—almost as though she was so programmed to keep their relationship a secret, that when he said it, even in a text, she wanted to delete it and block his number. She felt safer within their entanglement instead of being official. She knew Rafe would have more control over her now than ever.

She put his shirt back on, sniffing the collar. It still smelled like his cologne and laundry detergent. Layne wondered if he did his own laundry and thought it was comical imagining Rafe doing typical household, domestic things. It was almost like he was untouchable and not real. He wasn't normal and didn't do normal things.

Her legs were cold walking out into the kitchen, where her mom was sitting on the couch with a glass of wine and a cigarette in the other hand. Rory was asleep, the wine nearly spilling out of the glass, and Layne crept over to put out the cigarette and tried to take the glass out of her mom's hand. She couldn't remember the last time her mother smoked—let alone smoked in the house. She had been clean for over a year now. Layne assumed it was her own fault for her mother's relapse—giving her heart attacks every night since she came back from college. Rory didn't know how to protect Layne anymore, because she couldn't. She couldn't be the superhero mother that she was trying to be, because those didn't exist. Layne had to learn for herself and from her own experiences. Rafe was poisoning her daughter, but she couldn't do anything about it.

Rory perked awake when Layne tried to take her wine glass away, jerking awake as though someone had poured cold water down her back. Layne nearly jumped out of her skin too, backing away slightly and sitting on the arm rest of the couch. "Sorry." She muttered, holding her hands up in surrender. Rory readjusted herself on the chair and rubbed her eyes, putting the wine glass on the nightstand.

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