"That guy's a douche," Toby's grumpy voice came from the walkie-talkie in Blinky's hand. Suddenly, another shatter of glass was heard, but not from the box this time. It came from above. You and Jim looked up in unison to see a goblin smashing a lamp post, grinning. "But that's Eli!" Jim protested, insisting that help was necessary. "He's in my class!" he desperately added. "He was in your class," Blinky corrected, laying a comforting hand on his shoulder. "I will always remember him. The sweet, nerdy boy," you added, accepting the poor boy's fate only to realize how trollish that was of you with a concerned look from Jim.

You had no time to defend yourself, for now, the goblins had begun their mission of murder. A last goblin crawled up the lamp post and smashed the glass of it, extinguishing the light ofer the delovery-truck. Apparently, this was a signal, for all the other goblins popped up from all sorts of places and made their way to the truck, yelling warcries of "Waka chaka!" and other curses.

You, Jim, Blinky, Toby and AAARRRGGHH watched in horror as a herd of goblins approached from a little down the street. The truck shook as it turned green with the swarm of goblins on top of its every surface. "Waka-chaka-wa!" their sharpie-mustached leader yelled as they all dug into the truck with their yellowed teeth. They bit, ripped and tore up the truck from the outside in a disturbing pace. As if it was their sworn enemy. "What are they doing?" you heard Jim mumble in confusion. You looked over at him and saw his face matched his voice. "I've never seen anything like it before," you replied, looking over at Blinky, whom was thinking extremetly hard.

"Oh, my goblins!" you could hear Toby's faint voice covered my the sound of ripping metal. Blinky hit the talk-button on the talkie, and begun speaking his assessment. "Unexpected," he begun. "Their dispute isn't with the driver at all, but rather the transportation that had flattened their kinsman," he told. "English please!" Toby replied. You grabbed the talkie from Blinky's hands. "They're after the truck!"

Blinky looked at you, grabbing the device of communication back into his own grasp, seeing Jim's, now nervous, face. "Ooh, you must not be afraid, master Jim," he exclaimed. "I thought the first rule of trollhunting was to always be afraid," Jim replied, even more confused now. "Trolls, not goblins," AAARRRGGHH's voice rumbled from the walkie-talkie. "Goblins crave the pheromone of terror," Blinky said, "and odor you appear to be releasing quite generously." You couldn't help but snicker at his comment.

"Wait! This is too much," Toby's voice shot in from the device. "You mean, they can smell fear?" he whimpered before sniffing his armpit. "Oh no! I can smell it too," he continued rambling over the talkie. "Then stop, or they will eat you!" Blinky commanded. 

"How are you doing?" Jim asked, turning to you. "I've.. uh.. seen worse," you lied, trying to keep his confidence up. "You?" you returned his question. "I'm doing pretty good," he lied as well. "The Trollhunter is never afraid," he joked. "That is a lie," you smirked cheekily.

The moment you were having was soon interrupted by Toby letting out a yelp, making everyone's attention turn back to the goblins. The truck was now long gone, devoured by the wretched, green creatures. The leader, amongst two others, was sniffing the air, as if they had detected that someone was watching them from afar. Smelling and deceting fear in the air. Suddenly, the leader turned to face the bush you, Blinky and Jim were hiding in and snarled angrily.

"Perhaps I made my point too loud," Blinky cringed. "Run!" With this, the three of you leapt from the bush, Blinky grabbing Jim's hand and Jim grabbing yours. The three goblins sped after you, making others follow as well. Behind them, AAARRRGGHH grabbed Toby, swung him upon his back and followed after them.

Panting, you sprinted down the street with a cland of raging and snarling goblins behind you. Nobody held hands any longer as horror and adrenaline was the only things running through your veins.

A bright, blue light shone from Jim's pocket, making him scream and pick up his amulet. "Now is not the time for armor!" Blinky said, looking back at his student. "It'll only slow you down!" he continued, his now armoured student behind him. "Contol yourself, Jim!" you agreed. "You think I'm trying to do this?" he retorically asked, the metal of his armour making even more noise as he ran. "Your armor is responding to your emotional state!" Blinky said. "Control your fear, or you'll be dinner!"

"It's so, so heavy!" Jim complained, panting even harder now. "Get a grip, James!" you yelled, both you and Blinky outrunning him. He was now so close to the goblins that they begun clinging to him like baby monkey's to their mother. "Master Jim!" Blinky shouted, watching Jim get tackled to the ground by goblins.

"Y/n!" Blinky exclaimed as you stopped to help Jim, kicking running goblins aside. "No, Y/n! Keep moving!" Jim yelled. "No!" you replied firmly as you reached Jim and begun ripping Goblins off him like it was the only thing you'd ever done. "I am not afraid!" Of course, this not-so-thuroughly-though-out-plan failed miserably as the more goblins came along and begun festering you as well. "Ok, maybe a little," you admitted, trying to shake the goblins off, but falling to the ground in the attempt.

Just as you thought this was the end, AAARRRGGHH came running with Toby on his back and snatched you two up from the ground and onto his back, you landing under Jim. The three of you laughed in relief as AAARRRGGHH kept running away from the mob of goblins chasing after you. Just after you managed to get away from under Jim, both of your faces resembling tomatoes, Toby's chubby-tracker beeped. With you between them, watching Jim tug at AAARRRGGHH's green fur for dear life, Toby begun shouting. "Oh my gosh!" he exclaimed. "I just got a free t-shirt! This is so much cardio!"

Just when he finished his sentance, a goblin managed to jump onto Toby's arm, sending him straight for the ground. Luckily, you managed to get ahold of Toby's chubby foot before he hit the ground. "Get it off, get it off, get it off!" Toby paniced, waving his arm around like a madman. The goblin's head hit the ground three times before he finally let go, taking Toby's tracked with him. "No! My points!" he shrieked. "Your points? Our lives, Tobes!" Jim replied, making sure you didn't fall off as well, by holding you by your waist as you pulled Toby back up.

"We need to find a refuge! Trollmarket's too far!" Blinky said, running alongside AAARRRGGHH. "Cut through these backyards. We'll get to my house," Toby said. "Come on, come on, come on," he rushed them, the goblins not so far behind. "Waka chaka!"

"Fast, those little fuckers," you smirked, turning your head to look at the goblings chasing after you all. "How are you not pissing your pants right now?" Jim questioned, looking like he was the one that was about to have a small accident. "I've seen a lot," you replied. "Worse than this? Even Blinky's scared, and he's Jim's mentor!" Toby exclaimed as AAARRRGGHH burst through a bush. 

The furious goblins kept snarling as they chased you until AAARRRGGHH stopped by a wooden fence. "Up and over," his deep voice said as he lifted Jim and Toby off his back and over the fence while you leapt from his back, going over the fence as well. You assumed he lifted Blinky over as well before jumping over himself, for soon, you were all racing towards the door of a  wooden house.

Toby tugged at the doorknob, but it wouldn't budge. The rest of you exchanged worried looks as Toby began frantically searching for the right key to the backdoor of his house. "Come on, come on! Hurry Tobes!" Jim said, him now being the pushy one. "Don't rush me!" Toby replied, turning a golden key in the lock of the door, him being so nervous that it took a couple of tries to get it open.

"Oh no," you mumbled, making everyone except Toby turn to the fence, the mustached goblin now over it. It growled and snarled at you, looking like a beast trying to intimidate its prey. Finally, Toby managed to turn the lock and open the door. "Ah! I did it! Yes! I rule, I rule!" he celebrated as every one of you rushed inside the house, AAARRRGGHH going last. You entered a dark kitchen, no one seeming to be at home, or awake for that matter. "Uh oh," AAARRRGGHH's voice made everyone turn to him. Of course, his wide frame got stuck in the door, obviously not made for troll-passings.

Toby hurried over to a couple of light switches and switched on two strong lamps on the other side of the door. The bright light hit the goblin's eyes, making them scream in pain and frustration, shielding their eyes. Surprisingly, this made them scatter from the garden in an extreme hurry, and soon, the garden was rid of all gross and green creatures.

"Thank gosh for Nana's anti-burglar mania," Toby sighed in a smile.

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