In The Moonlight

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For the next few hours, the 8 of us swam freestyle, allowing the Ilu to go and take their leave. It was amusing to see how the others couldn't hold their breath for even half as long as we could, though Tsireya and I understood that they barely went swimming in the forest. Aonung and Rotxo teased them all endlessly over it, to the point where Kiri, the eldest daughter, snapped at them at one point.

It seemed like there was more going on beneath the surface for her. It wasn't like she was mad that she was here or that she had left home but that there was something else making her resent being here right now. I didn't want to pry, I barely knew her after all, but it did make me curious. It was clearly bothering her enough to snap easily, and even from her family's reactions to her small outburst it was something that didn't happen often.

After the others had gotten tired and the sun had started to set, we all made our way back to shore and into the village. Tsireya and I took them back to their new home while the boys dissappeared off somewhere, and the newcomers almost seemed relieved that they weren't there to torment them anymore. I was just glad that Aonung had left me alone and decided not to make any more displays of me being his 'territory'.

We went our seperate ways to them and told them we'd see them at dinner in a bit, then headed back to my home which wasn't too far away from theirs.

"Well, that was fun. They seem like nice people." I say to Tsireya, peering back over my shoulder as we turned a corner. "Yeah, and the little one, Tuk, she's so sweet!" She cooes, and I nod my head in agreement. "Oh she is. Really down to earth and polite, which is surprising for someone as young as her. And, she seems to really take to her brother, Neteyam, too."

"And I think Neteyam has taken to you," Tsireya jabs back, poking my arm. I smile and shake my head, dismissing her comment and the few thumps my heart beat in my chest at her suggestion. "Come off it... But says you! What about that Lo'ak? He couldn't take his eyes off of you when he saw you." I quip, seeing her blush a little. "Well- A- Yeah..." She tries to find the words to respond, but when she can't it only sends me into a flurry of laughter. "Shut upppp," She whines as she laughs with me, telling me everything I needed to know. "You're pretty fond of him too." I finish, winding her up a little more.

She sneers playfully at me as we walk into my house, the place surprisingly empty. I let out a sigh of relief and collapse onto my bed, Tsireya clambering over me to sit on against the wall. She puts her legs over the top of mine and looks down at me, watching as my face contorted with dread. "What's on your mind?" She asks softly, taking my hand into her lap. She plays with my fingers as I try to gather my thoughts into words. "I don't even know... The future I guess?" I sigh exasperatedly. I use my free hand to rub my face with irritation, and see Reya nod her head in the corner of my eye.

"Aonung?" She asks quietly, though she already knew the answer. I nod my head and she takes a deep breath. She pats on the bed beside her for me to sit up, so I follow suit. She turns me away from her and gathers my hair, starting to braid it like she always did when I was stressed out.

"I just- I don't want this. You know that, they all do but nobody really cares. There is nothing romantic there at all and I don't want there to be. It doesn't feel right. I've tried, albeit not properly, but even the small things just make me feel gross. Like earlier, when he put his hand on my waist I felt so uncomfortable! He moved it to my shoulder, but that didn't feel much better because it felt like he was just trying to show me off or something. Mark me as his so that nobody would try anything. I don't see how I'm supposed to be his wife, have kids with him, be happy and in love and have a family and set a good example for my children-" I let out the flurry of information, barely taking a breath until Tsireya grabs my hand once more.

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