For me, these little incidents meant more than the world.


"You know, Scara, my life's been so much better since you came" (Name) spoke gently looking at my eyes "same here dummy" I smiled at her and she smiled back then she got lost in her own thoughts until her phone rung , she reached for it "it's an unknown number?" She said "Don't pick up" I told her "Nah what if it's my long lost billionaire uncle, you never know" she answered the phone, silence went over the room , I glanced over at her to see her eyes wide open as she listened to everything the caller was saying.

"(Name)?" "I see, thank you.." she gently spoke closing her phone and walking out (Name)? What happened" I asked her placing my hand on her shoulder ,she immediately pushed it off harshly "Don't you dare touch me ever again." she spat venom and walked off, her aura darkened as she left the house, I panicked and rushed after her, as she was crossing the road, a car came speeding towards her "(NAME)!" I yelled hoping to get her attention, I ran faster than ever...


I was too late...before I could react, blood splashed everywhere, the car pulled over, it was a drunk man...a familiar drunk man, (Name)'s father. In shock I looked at her body, lifeless and cold.

I lost the one thing I loved.

My heart dropped to my stomach, warm tears rushed down my face and thoughts rushed all over my mind, my fourth betrayal..(Name).  I pulled her closer to me and sobbed in her chest , what felt like centuries were only split seconds.

The ambulance came to save my one and only. I didn't want to let go but I had to, her blood covering my palms..I couldn't believe it, it was all my fault this time, all of it, every part.


A day later..

Diona cried in my arms, we were in the hospital waiting for a doctor to give us some sort of information about it,(Name)'s father was sitting Infront of me handcuffed, I glared at him, I couldn't believe anything that had happened, I just wish this was all just a nightmare.

"Hey Dio, come to dad will ya?" He tried breaking the silence, Diona looked at him in disbelief "Don't call me that, look at what alcohol lead you to." She walked away and I followed, I bent down to her level and opened my arms for a hug, "Everything will be okay.." she accepted the hug and we sat there for a couple of moments.


I pulled out my phone from my pockets.




Did she leave you yet




Did she finally realize how much of a horrible person you are and leave you


You were the one who called her


Finally you've started using your peanut brain


What the fuck is wrong with you


I assume by your reaction that she did leave, that's great news


She didn't just leave me Mona

She's in the fucking hospital because of you you fucking bitch


Wait what


What did you tell her Mona


About your past of course

I mean i don't know what she was thinking dating a harbinger like you


Ex harbinger

Have it your way Mona, but i don't know what you were thinking messing with me


I have already foreseen this


I hope you didn't foresee your death then, that would ruin the surprise


"Scara? What's wrong?" Diona asked "Don't worry about it grumpy kid" I picked her up and walked to (Name)s room, there were a couple of doctors outside, I quickened my pace "What happened?" I asked Ei who was behind Yae who was talking to the doctor,"(Name) woke up!" My eyes started to water, I had no idea what she'd think of me after what Mona told her, my hands began shaking, I took a seat and sat in a puddle of my own thoughts,I don't want to loose her therefore I have to be truthful with her.

End of chapter

A/n : Hello everyoneeee  it's been a while :) I've been going through a lot but i hope you enjoy this rollercoaster of a chapter ;D can you guess what will happen next?

𝑆𝑡𝑟𝑎𝑤𝑏𝑒𝑟𝑟𝑖𝑒𝑠🍓  (Scaramouche x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now