"Well that's rude, we were meant to take them together. No man—yes yes I know, no manners, just shush and pour me another. That was just the warm up shot, now comes the one I was meant to take with you." I teased just a bit and he sucked his lower lip between his teeth before releasing it and pouring me another.

"You know, you really intrigue me Townes." He said as he handed me the glass.

"I have that effect." I said, leaning the glass towards him. He clinked his against mine, and as we went to take the shot, I quickly blurted out, "Eye contact or bad sex."

He closed his eyes as we took the shot and I tilted my head at him, licking the taste of tequila off my lips.

"Bad sex and Harry Styles, never go hand in hand. Not possible." He said so smugly, yet it drove a rush of heat through me that knocked the sass right out of me.

I simply shrugged, placing my glass down and turned to gather my things so we could leave. I took a deep breath to myself, suddenly feeling not drunk off the tequila, but slightly drunk off his words.

We had decided on sushi, and sat in a restaurant fancier than anything I had ever step foot in. Don't get me wrong, my parents had money, and it was constant country club this and country club that, but it wasn't this.

Harry had ordered saki bottles for the table and we were four shots in each. Mitch and Harry were talking over each other, arguing over different versions of a story. The rest of us were cracking up and I was holding on to my stomach watching the two.

"No, no, you went up to the random girls first then you realized they were your exes friends after the fact." Mitch yelled.

"No, no, it's all a lie!" Harry yelled, his voice slightly slurred.

They both laughed, "Saki to settle we both have shit memories!" Mitch said serving more saki. Sarah looked at me with wide eyes and I shrugged, lifting my shot glass at Sarah. She shrugged laughing and serving us and Pauli some as well.

"So we should head out if we want to go get more drinks, before these two can't handle anymore." Sarah said pointing to Mitch and Harry, I couldn't help but laugh.

"I agree with Sarah on this one." I smiled over at Harry and he glared at me causing me to snicker.

"I'm actually going to bed friends, let the four of you explore the city." Pauli said.

"But Pauli you wanted the family bonding!" I exclaimed and he leaned over to me.

"I think I've seen all I need to see." He whispered and I leaned pressing my forehead on his chuckling.

"Save yourself." I teased and we both laughed further.

"Hey, hey, hey, secrets don't make families." Harry exclaimed and Pauli and I turned to him shrugging and laughing.

We paid and made our way out of the restaurant, waving bye to Pauli as he went the opposite way as us. I crossed my arms in front of me tight against my body watching Sarah and Mitch in front of Harry and I. They were being so flirty and touchy, and it warmed my heart.

"They're cute." I said softly, turning towards Harry who was also watching them.

"He's so smitten with her. When we first started rehearsals, he just slowly saw nothing but her. He's be so distracted until he finally got the courage to ask her out." He chuckled and I smiled.

"That's too funny." I bit my lip as Mitch took her hand as we walked. Mitch looked over his shoulder as us, pointing at a house up ahead.

ℂ𝕒𝕣𝕠𝕝𝕚𝕟𝕒 | H.S |Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora