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"Don't you find it strange? Zarui has been avoiding me lately."

Rizal sighed, his chin resting on the palm of his hand. He was staring at the ceiling, wondering what's going on.
Zarui had never acted like this.

Though, last week... things have already started becoming odd. First off, Zarui wasn't his usual talkative self whenever he came face to face with Rizal. And Rizal realized that.

Now Zarui is avoiding him.

Right now, he's talking with Reyna. The twins were both at class, talking before class starts. It was snowing. A blizzard almost. The clouds were ash gray and harsh winds blow down onto the earth. Snow piling up on the ground and even more snow flying in the air.

It was a pretty harsh first snow day.

Suddenly Reyna worries about Koharu, he gets sick pretty easily in these types of weathers.

"Well in my opinion, I think Zarui is just being a jerk!" Reyna shouted, taking Rizal aback. "A jerk?" He looked confused, "I don't see it that way.."

"You should.." His sister nods her head very slowly, "when did he start becoming weird?"

"I think the first signs were coming in at late october. And last week he was becoming odd... and now.." Rizal slumps down on his desk. Feeling miserable. All he could think about at the moment was Zarui. All about Zarui.

"It's monday and everything starts off bad. First a heavy blizzard, second Xeni's absent, third Zarui is becoming odd, and fourth I have to run freaking errands at the end of the school!" Rizal groans, questioning everything in his life. He really hates today, his hands cover his face and slowly sliding down. Revealing his face filled with pure dread.

"Crap.. your errands. That means I have to walk alone don't I? Tonight I'm cooking dinner, so sorry I can't help out. And dad has the car and is celebrating a co-workers birthday.." Reyna pats her brothers shoulder. Pitying him even, "By the way... I love how you put Xeni's absent as your second problem of the day~" her voice switches to a teasing tone. She internally giggles seeing Rizal's ears heat up.

'Someones embarrassed'

"Oh shut up!.. It's only because theres a few classes where I don't have anyone to talk to except him!"

"Sureeeee~ let me remind you about that one night where you guys—"

Suddenly Rizal covers Reyna's mouth with such force she almost tumbled backwards out her seat.

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