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I held her hand one last time before dying. The world around me slowly darkened as my eyelids leisurely closed. I could hear her subtle sobs. She begged the Gods to not let me die so we both could achieve our dreams together.

Not by herself but as Husband and Wife.

A single tear fell out of my eyes as my body gave up. I felt a ray of sunlight hitting my face, 'huh, I'm alive? Or is this hell?' I ploddingly opened my eyes again. I hoped to see her, but that hope got crushed as I saw a vast space, planets, stars, and most of all, Earth.

I was floating through the vacuum of space. My body felt light. I looked to my right side and saw the sun, 'how?' I thought. How is this possible? I glanced at my hand, and I saw that it was translucent. I could see the dark space through my arm.

Am I dreaming? Is all of this merely a dream? Are you torturing me? I just wanted to die in peace. I wanted to see her, but instead, I got this. Why? If you wanted to give me a chance, God. If you do exist, tell me why do this to me. Instead let me see her again and say my final goodbye.

I pleaded.

I waited for an answer.

I waited and waited.

But I got nothing.

I have no will to live, even if I am truly alive again not by being a human, but by a soul that lost its body. I couldn't find the right motivation to live. If I truly find a way to live again, will it take years? Will she be alive by then? The only answer I could only come up with was.


I knew even if I moved at the speed of light-' YES, THAT'S IT!' If I can move at the speed of light or close to it. The time in this universe would stop. I may find the answer and even get my body again. If I really do find it, will I even have my emotions? Would I still function as a human being?

The time for other beings would stop, but not mine, which meant that even if I truly find it. It's either I am already something beyond human comprehension. My mental age will gradually get old thus. I'll probably lose my sense of emotions.

The warmth of beings in this universe.

I'm going alone on this lonely journey.

The journey to find what I am, who did this to me.

The scope of life.


Author's Note

My first story! I accept any criticism, and thank you for reading my work.

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