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The next day

You woke up and luckly it was Saturday so you didn't have school today.
You got up took a shower and dressed up

You ate breakfast and immediately went outside to look for the place that the woman gave you the address from.
You didn't want to waste anytime just incase they hired someone before that.

You went outside and looked at the address that the woman gave you.
It was 45 min away so you decided to get a cab.

°°°°°°°45 min later°°°°°°°

I arrived at the house and wow

It was pretty big.

Y/n:how am I going to clean this whole house by myself. Let's say mansion , even a castle, I don't even know what it is its pretty big.- I said to myself

Guard:hello miss do you need anything. If not would you please mind walking away.

Y/n:oh hello. Yes I am actually here for a job application.

Guard:ok miss, this way please.

I walked inside the mansion and it was amazing

Guard:I'll call sir and tell him about you. Please wait in here miss.

I nodded as I looked around.
I really don't know his I'm going to clean all of this by myself.
I got back to my sence as I heard footsteps coming down from upstairs.
I turn around and OMG, I was the most handsome man alive, he's your boss y/n come back to your sence.
He looked at me and said.

??? :hired .


???:I said you are hired did you not hear me?

Y/n:i- I did but you didn't even interview me.

??? :I don't need to interview you, your looks are all that matters to me.

What did he say, this is so weird did I hear him right, I probably did but why did he said looks are all that matters?

??? :First I'll introduce myself, and then I'll tell you your rules, what to start, and what you'll do.

Y/n:ok sir.

??? :my name is kin taehyung, I am 20 years old and I am the biggest mafia in the world.

MAFIA?! Why did I not know anything about this how am I going to work for him , omg I'm so scared, can I not do this job, what if he says no, omg what am I gonna do, I am gonna ask him if I can not do the job, well see what he'll say.

Y/n: I'm sorry sir, but did you say mafia?

Taehyung:yes loud and clear. Why?

Y/n:actually sir can I not work in here? I actually changed my mind.

Taehyung:no you can not . You can only stop working if you're fired or you're too old to be maid.

Omg how am I going to do this, work for a mafia!? If my parents hear about this I will be 6 feet under ground. I'll have to keep quiet about it.

Taehyung:if you stopped zoning out, can I please tell you the rules that you have to follow?

Y/n:oh...yes sir please.

Taehyung:ok first give me the list with information about yourself.

Y/n:yes here you go sir.

I handed him the list.
He took it and looked at it scanning every corner of it.

Taehyung:so you are a high school student right?

Y/n:yes is am, I am study in the ******* university, I have really good grades and I'll be ending the school year this year.

Taehyung:are you planing on going to college?

Y/n:no I am not, I really want to go but I don't have enough money.

Taehyung:ok then, I'll start with the rules now.

Y/n:ok sir

A/n pov:

Taehyung:you will be sleeping in this house from now on, you will keep on calling me sir like you do right now. You wake up at 6 am and prepare my breakfast before 7 am. You will go to school but after I go to work I'll talk with the school about it. And you will be here e hours before I come back from work. You will prepare my dinner, but you will also eat with me, everyday after school there will be an outfit in your bedroom that you will have to wear, everyday after school before you put the clothes on that will be loft on your bedroom you will shower with the shampoos that will be left on in the bathroom, since it's 12 pm you will go to your house and get all of your clothes and everything that you need and bring them in here. Then you will go to do a laser surgery that will remove every bit of hair from your body exept your hair, eyebrows and lashes, you will do whatever I say whenever I say and wherever we are. I don't care if you are on school or in the mall, or in public, you will do whatever I tell you to do. Your payment each month will be 1000 dollars , and every day you will get 150 dollars. Tomorrow after dinner well go to shopping and buy everything that "I" want . So, did you get all of it?

Y/n:yes sir I did, but his are you gonna tell my school about me going as bit late there? Please don't tell them that I am your maid.

Taehyung:don't worry I won't, the principal of the school knows me, so I'll figure something out.

Y/n:ok thank you sir.

Taehyung:if you are done talking , are you ready to go to your house and get your things?

Y/n:yes sir

You get up and bow at him after leaving the house. You get in the car and start driving to your house.

Taehyung pov:
I can't wait for you to put on the outfit love,my mom really knows my taste.
I got my jacket and head back to work since I came back to interview the hottest girl alive.
Not like I interviewed her I just said it bc she was applying for the job.

A/n pov:

Y/n  went to her house and got her suitcase out. She passed all of her outfit and many other things that she needed.
Then she drove 45 min back to her house and went to get the laser surgery that taehyung told her to. She didn't know why she needed to do that but she did it anyways bc she needed the job and she desperately needed the money.

°°°°°°°°°5 hours later°°°°°°°°°°°

She finally went home and saw taehyung in the living room.

Y/n:hello sir I'm back from the laser surgery

Taehyung:hello.pull up your sleeves and your pants.

You didn't know why but you did as he said.
As you pulled them up he came closer and started touching your face, arms and legs.

Taehyung:I'm glad you did the lasar surgery.

Y/n:I did it bc I needed the job. And thank you for paying for it. She said as she smiled

Taehyung:no problem. Tonight you don't have to do anything just go take a shower and go to sleep.

Y/n:ok sir. Thank you.

Taehyung:you can go now.

You bowed as you left.
You go to your bedroom that the buttler led you to it when he was putting the suitcase before going to get your lasar surgery.
You went to the bathroom took a shower and dressed up after drying your hair.
You started unpacking and before you realised it it was already 11:30.
You were tired so you closed the empty suitcase and immediately went to bed.

The maid And Her Mafia Boss 18+Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ