"I believe you. Richard, you did a great job". 

Minutes later, saucy left the class room. After a while she came back, pacing 

"What's wrong". Lusiya asked 

"People.... guys, dumb guys, they are chasing me screaming my name, I wonder how they knew my name, it's weird".

 "So.... You were scared". Meyan teased 

"No! it felt awkward and irritating.... they were so many". 

"Is it lunch break". Juliana said with a cute face 

"Is it lunch break". Saucy mimics her.

"Can't you for once stay without food". She scolds her

"Sorry it's a question". 

"And that's the answer". Saucy added.

 Closing hours, they picked up their things preparing to leave. Went downstairs, surrounded by male students screaming their name they were surprised and shocked at the same time because they were the most hated students, being that they were middle class, and the school is meant for rich kids. 

The boys walked down      "Why so much attention?". 

.... observed for a while and walked away.

Manage for a while, forcefully passed through. Went home 

"Huh I need water, what was the meaning of what played back there?". Meyan said 

"You are free to go back".

 "I was just asking a question". Meyan added 

"And that is the answer". Saucy said 

"Can you stop being mouffy". 

"That's her lifestyle". Anita added. 

Early in the morning, alarm rings continually. Took time to get up from bed, when she checked the time, she got up quickly only to realize that Mariana was not sleeping. She checked the bathroom; she found no body in the house 

"They left me, what now". She hurried to her room, brush her hair, but she couldn't park them, they were too long. She brushed her teeth, splash water on her face, put on slippers, and look for a matching bag, not realizing she was on her pj's, she hurried to school. 

Walked into the school building. Receptionist started laughing at her, but she cared less. She rushed to her classroom, no one was there 

"What is going on". She complains. One of their guards walked in 

"Heyy Mr. giant, do you know where my classmates are?". 

"At the school hall". 

"Oh ok". She rushed out 

"what are they doing there?". 

She entered the hall and Mena couldn't continue with her speech, everyone started laughing and her friends hide their faces, but she didn't care until she found her friends, she went to sit next to them 

"Heyy classmate". 

"Are you stupid". Saucy asked 

"Saucy please, am not in the mood, you guys were the once who left me" 

"So, they left with your clothes". Justin teased her 

"What are you talking about, anyway why are they laughing?". 

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