Yn: I am interested in anything sir, anything that helps me understand the world or the people I am around.

You answer and finally look up at them and meet their eyes but immediately look back down.

Steve and Bucky talk to you for a little longer then go and meet up with Strange and Stark. You look over at Peter and see him with a small smile on his face, and you feel happy, you know that Strange and Stark will not give him up. You know you will probably not get adopted by Steve and Bucky, but as long as Peter is safe you do not care. You can hear what the others are talking about and get hints that Peter will be leaving. And you stop paying attention from then.

As the day progresses, you notice Steve and Bucky leave but see the others sign papers for Peter. You knew this would happen and you were so excited that he would be leaving, you were sad that you had to say goodbye but were happy. However after 2 hours of you watching Peter finalising that this is his new home, he left. He did not say goodbye. HE was the one that made you promise that you would so why could he just leave and not say anything? You were no longer sad, you were angry.

That night you went to the gym for hours and just punched the bags and threw your powers at the wall over and over again too angry to contain anything. You screamed, cried and trained. It was 5:30am when you came back out and saw the sun start to shine through the windows and sighed.

How could he not say goodbye? You thought.

That same day you saw 2 very familiar people come back to the orphanage, it was Steve and Bucky. They b-lined for the desk and got papers and started signing. That anticipation of who they picked was excruciating, then you saw the head of the orphanage making their way over to you.

Head master: pack your bags, you are going and living with Steve and Bucky.

You nod and go up to your room and collect all of your things. You were excited to go and have a family but you were not ready to see Peter.

You head back to the main area and walk over to Steve and Bucky and head back to the tower. You stayed quiet in the car trying to control your emotions when you saw your twin, who promised he would say goodbye.

You walk into the elevator and make some small talk with your new parents but you were not really paying attention.

Steve: The team is so excited to meet you.

Bucky: I bet they will all be in the living room waiting to meet you.

Yn: I can not wait to meet them all.

As you step out of the elevator you see the whole team waiting around to meet you. However the one face you see is Peter's. He looks up at you with a happy smile but all you do is glare at him and give him a slight head shake showing that you were not happy with him.

You get introduced to everyone and keep a happy smile on and then you get to Stark and Strange.

Stark: Hello Yn, I am Tony and this is my Husband Steven.

Strange: Hello.

Yn: it is lovely to meet you all.

Stark: Well we adopted yesterday as well, you might know him. This is Peter.

Peter: Hey Yn.

He says in a small voice with his head down.

You don't say anything, you just glare at him harder.

Steve: Yn, please be nice.

He speaks once they all notice that you are not going to say anything.

But you don't hear anything, so filled with your own emotions that everything else is just tiny, quiet mumbles in the back of your mind. You continue to look at Peter as you clench your hands into small fists, your eyes start to shine a bright turquoise colour as you tilt your head to the side. Everyone is watching this from the back and can not see your face, but Peter can. His eyes grow wide as he recognises the stance you are in. The same one you used whenever you were fighting and the enemy was back chatting to you. He slowly backs away as you start to move towards him, opening your fists and small bursts of turquoise power comes out of your hands.

Peter knows there is now way of stopping you now. He knows he will have to fight you, he knows that you are not in your mind, and you are relapsing back to Hydra, slowly losing your own mind and transforming. He slowly starts to stand up properly and get ready to fight you. Himself also starts to lose control and lets Hydra back in.

You give a small smirk when you realise that he is going to fight you. Everyone is standing there in shock as both you and Peter get ready to fight each other. You make the first move and create a small power ball and throw it at him, which he flips out of the way for and tries to shoot you with his webs but misses, encasing a vase with his webs. You roll your eyes.

Yn: just as weak as before.

You say, as you go and slide under him and take his legs out from underneath him, causing him to fall and catch himself with a somersault and land in his signature pose.

Peter: at least I am not the psycho going for someone they know.

He says as he slings a web onto you and spins you around and lightly throws you over to the other side.

You scoff and start to levitate and he jumps on to the ceiling.

Yn: Well I am not the one who did not say goodbye to their twin when they left LIKE WE PROMISED.

And with that you fall and start to fall to the ground as you catch yourself and land back on the ground as Peter releases himself and jumps down to the ground and runs over to you.

Peter: Is that what it was? Were you mad that I did not say bye?

He asks in a gentle voice, with tears in his eyes.

Yn: you promised.

You whisper as you collapse into him and cry into his chest.

After a moment you both hear a cough and turn to see the team and your new family looking at you questioning what they just saw.

Nat: sooooooo?


Peter raises his arm to scratch the back of his neck when his shirt rides up and the symbol Hydra burned into his skin shows.

Bucky: Hydra.

He says as the team stares to look at where he is looking.

Everyone starts to get defensive as if you were Ultron who just crashed the party. You move in front of him and activate your powers.

Yn: don't you dare.

You say through gritted teeth

Bucky: you are Hydra?

He says looking disappointed at the both of you.

Bucky: was this some kind of bullshit mission? Pretend to get adopted and break us down from the inside?

He asks raising his voice as he speaks.

Yn: NO!! They ruined our lives. They kidnapped, trained and beat us from when we were one. They knew that they could keep us under their control as we were only young. We escaped6 years ago and left the country and turned to the orphanage for refuge.

You say getting glassy eyes and a tight voice as you speak.

Everyone looks at you in disbelief and look down then collect both you and peter into a group hug.

Everyone: you are safe now.


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