Chapter 1

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I look around my small attic room, making sure my stuff was all put together for when Hagrid arrives to take me to the safe haven that is the Burrow. I check the time as I toss my larger bag out the window and into the bush by the front so there's no commotion on my way out of the house. "9:13.. 'round 3 hours 'til Harry's birthday. Not to mention mine's almost over, I'm finally 17." I think as I hoist the smaller one over my shoulder and grip Venus' cage so tightly that my knuckles turn white.

I take a quick deep breath and make my way down the stairs, peeking around each corner just in case I was going to be surprise attacked. I just barely make it to the door, just as my step-mother rounds the corner and grips me by the back of my shirt, choking me in the process, "Where do you think you're off to?" I grip her wrist and twist, causing her hand to open. I slip out of her grasp and reply, "I'm leaving and never coming back to this wretched place. That's a promise."

"Oh yeah? You're not going anywhere you little shit. That's a promise." She swings for my head, grazing my hair as I duck, bashing her with Venus' cage in the gut. She mutters something to herself, launching herself at me after I had evaded her hit. This time, she gets me and knocks me over, my bag falling off my shoulder and laying beside us. I try to get the upper hand by gripping her hair but she just reciprocated to me, but harder, making me wince and go to grab her wrist at the base of my head. "Will you just get off me?!" I scratch at her hand as she struggles to drag my flailing form to the kitchen. I trip her, getting her to let go of me to try and catch herself. I try to get up as quickly as I can, but to no avail, as she jumped on my back and scratches the hell out of some part of my cheek and neck.

I grunt as I attempt to flip her over my back and land her on her own, but it semi-worked since I'm not as heavy as her. She lays on her side on the kitchen tile and as she tries to collect herself, I bolt out of the house, gripping my bag and cage on the way out the door.

I pull the larger one out of the bush and hurry down the sidewalk to get to the house I've always been picked up at. I go ahead and smooth my hair and clothes before Hagrid gets here to make sure he doesn't think anything's wrong.

"Hey! Y/n!" Hagrid's gruff voice surprised me as he dropped down onto the street in his motorbike. "Hi Hagrid! I feel like it's been forever!" I drop my things into the side car and then get in myself after greeting Hagrid with a great hug.

He sets off and after a bit of explanation of what's happening as we head over to the Burrow. After he explains the plan, I'm immediately in on it. Of course I am, Harry's like my brother, I could never abandon him like that.

I get off the motorbike, bags in hand, and am greeted at the door by the one and only Mrs Weasley, "Hello dear! Oh, it's so lovely to see you, it's been ages!" She grips me in a bear hug which makes me smile and I toss my bags into the entry way as she turns in to grab everyone else. "Y/n and Hagrid have made it! Let's go get the boy!" She quickly makes it back before anyone else with a giant smile, but it quickly fades as she sees me in the light, "Oh Y/n, what's happened to your face? What scratched you so harshly?" Mrs Weasley runs her finger over my cheek and moves my hair to view my neck.

"Oh, uhm, I'm not sure? Must've been me by accident?" I smile at her reassuringly and she doesn't look too convinced, but there are bigger matters at hand so she doesn't press it. A bustling of people could be heard on their ways over to the front door, so we all crowd in the living room, making sure everyone's here. Craning my neck to view everyone in the room, mostly looking for Ron, I spot Hermione.

Smiling, I rush over and hug her tightly, "Ah, I've missed you Mione!" She laughs and lets go of me, saying she felt the same. I hear the adults talking about the situation regarding Harry, his birthday, and the trace. Obviously, we'd have to explain it to him upon seeing him but the most important thing is that he's safe.

The Red Head Who Stole My Heart ~•Ron Weasley x Reader•~ (Book 7; Year 7)Where stories live. Discover now