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The sky was built into a 1000 colours this sun was just about to set the children are running around from school just being disperse and with that a girl who had just finish school came in with the back pack

"Oh , it's soo bloody tiring"

"What is tiring, the school or you staring at him?" her friend teased

The girl gently hit her friends back

And they continued walking while laughing and giggling

On the way they stopped by the pond

The girls stopped by the pond everyday after the school had dispersed to be joined by their other friend

"Oh why is she soo late" the friend whined

"Oh for the love of god, Deena, have some patience" the girl says to her friend

"Oh Alisha, I wish I could have your patience" the friend Deena replies while pouting

"Oh there she is!" Deena says while waving at their incoming friend

"Sumaiya, what took so long?" asked Alisha

"My stepmother was making me work again , I recently took up another job, to support her "lavish lifestyle" sumaiya says in a mocking tone

"YOU TOOK UP ANOTHER JOB!??" Deena and Alisha both ask at the same time in a surprised tone

"That bitch has no manners", says Alisha

Sumaiya and Alisha nod in agreement

They join hands and walk together towards the neighborhood park

"I wish you could come to school with us, if only your stepmother hadn't made you drop out of the school and work" says Alisha

"I wish I could too" says sumaiya

"Ooh by the way, Xavier finally wants to court my sister faiza" says Deena in excitement

"YOU MEAN XAVIER THORPE?!!!" say alisha and sumaiya in surprise

"Of course" Deena says in a proud tone

"Girls, Let's walk fast or else we will miss his evening walk" Alisha says

"Oh yes, I forgot we were stalking, Viscount Tewkesbury of Basilweather" Deena gently hits sumaiyas back while teasing her

"You know we have been secretly watching and studying his moves for the past few months, when are you finally going to talk to him," asks alisha to sumaiya

"I will court him, when I want to court him" says sumaiya

Sumaiya had always been the bold type, when the other girl dressed in pretty dresses and tied their hairs with a bow,
Sumaiya always wore trousers and had a hat on with her hair short
She always had been different.

Alisha on the other hand was the opposite she was the most popular girl in town, she dressed In the most beautiful clothes and her hair was tied in the most beautiful way , everyone wanted to court her but she only wanted one person,


'But he had eyes for someone else, someone who never looked at him, someone who had eyes for someone special who never cared about her.'

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