"Dude." he started, "what're you doing?"

Adam ignored him, talking to himself instead. "I'm so stupid."

"Tell me something I don't know." The blonde chuckled. Though once realizing Banks wasn't going for it, he sighed. "Talk to me, man. What happened?"

The boy sat silent for a second, collecting the words in his mind. He finally lifted his head up, the imprint of ruffled sheet marks stamped to his face. His cheeks were bright red from the pressure; eyes adjusting to the lighting.

"I asked Vera to hang out."

Guy's eyebrows shot up. "That's what you're all worked up about? Geez, man, I thought someone died or something."

Adam rolled his eyes. He sat upright, raking a hand through his messy, blonde hair.

"Did she at least say yes?" The boy asked.


"Then I don't see the problem." Guy reached into his backpack and pulled out a Snickers bar. He unwrapped it, taking a big bite as he watched Adam become irritated.

"The problem?" The boy laughed though it held no humor. "She makes me so nervous, man. It's only been a week!"

His friend nodded, still chewing down his candy bar. "But you're always nervous."

Adam sighed in annoyance. "That's different."

Guy dismissed the thought as he noticed the blonde getting pretty upset. This was unusual, mostly because Adam never liked to express what he was really feeling. He normally kept it all bundled inside.

"I'm sure you'll be fine, Banksy."

Chocolate from his Snickers bar had smeared onto his upper cheek. He stuck his tongue up in an attempt to lick it off, but he seemed to miscalculate the distance from his mouth because really- he looked dumb.

Adam's eyebrows knitted in as he watched, confused why Guy couldn't just use the sleeve on his crewneck sweatshirt. "Hopefully," he replied, still witnessing Guy's idiotic behavior.

After a moment, Adam had picked up a textbook from his bedside table and aimed it towards his friend. He chucked the book towards him, a grin pulling to his face as he watched it hurdle towards Guy.

The blonde shrieked as he managed to move his body away, though the textbook collided with the candy bar that still clung to his hand.

"Dude-" he snapped, "What the hell?"

"Y'know, you could've just wiped it off with your sleeve or something." Adam replied, disregarding Guy's reaction. "You looked stupid."

Guy's eyebrows shot up. He leant back against the headboard of his bed, arms crossed. "You could've just told me that. No need for the book." His tone was grumbly, almost in a little kid kind-of way.

The blonde shrugged. "I needed to throw something. Besides, your face was the perfect target." His lips had curled up into a grin.

Guy chuckled. He took whatever was left of his candy bar and popped it into his mouth, chewing obnoxiously.

"Yeah, well, you missed!"

Shaking his head, Adam reached down into his gym bag that was resting at the foot of his bed. He took out a half-filled plastic water bottle and threw it at Guy's chest.

As he watched Guy flinch, he laughed.

"I should've aimed for your dick."

THE ARENA WAS ALMOST SILENT, nothing but the sound of Vera Sinclair's skates marking up the ice as she made a break towards the opposite side of the rink. Her breathing was quickening with every stride; determined to gain speed with each step.

She followed behind her hockey stick, absentmindedly dribbling the puck between her skates as she neared the crease.

Winding back, she took a shot.

The puck sailed into the top right side of the net. She smiled contently, slashing her body around and returning to the pile of pucks that sat in the center of the rink.

Vera's study session with Hayden had got cut short.

He had gotten a call that, to the brunette's ears, sounded very important. The boy had apologized quickly and left the room. Vera sat there for around twenty minutes before she realized that he wasn't coming back.

So, she left.

Whilst walking from the dormitories, she pulled out her phone to call Adam and tell him that she was available now, but stopped suddenly.

It had only been an hour since she last saw him. That would be weird, right? Her mind was racing like it never had before, and she couldn't figure out why.

She found herself at the practice arena just five minutes later.

Vera collected a new puck with the blade of her stick. She flipped it up into the air, turning the handle of her stick over and catching it, then dropping it on the ice. She weaved the rubber biscuit it through her skates before aligning with the net.

Though before she had a chance to shoot it, the lights flickering caught her attention. She paused, watching as the lights shut down one by one.

"What the hell?" She mumbled, eyebrows furrowing in both confusion and slight worry.

Suddenly, a bang echoed thoughout the arena. Vera jumped as a small squeal fell from her lips; snapping her head in the direction of the noise.

It was the door.

Neglecting the remaining pile of pucks that still laid on the ice, she hesitantly skated towards the rink's doors. "Who's there?" The girl called out, though, no response.

She shuffled onto the padded foam flooring, making her way towards the door she heard slam shut.

She pulled on the handle of the door. It wouldn't budge, so she tried the other door.

And all the other doors in the arena- including the emergency exit and locker rooms.

"You've got to be fucking kidding."


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