Chapter 1

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"But mom Carrie is allowed to have friends over why can't I"

"Because Harry you and your friends are too rough and you stay up all night"

"Well can you Atleast make them leave me alone tonight because I'm fed up of them pranking me in the night"

"Sorry son but you'll have to deal with it it's only girls"

Well it's the classic favouritism my mum shows. She always puts Carrie first. No matter how many times do well on a test or learn a new skill she never seems impressed with me. Hi I'm Harry and this is how I came to be Harriet.

That night my sister and her friends did the usual to me. Put makeup on me put me into painful corsets. Dressed me up in awful dresses and made me pose in suggestive ways. But that night they did so much more to me. They taped my friend between my thighs. They shaved all my hair off my body and put a wig on my head. I looked like the biggest bimbo going. Long Blonde hair and a small waist greeted you at the sight of me. I was hardly recognisable. You would've thought to yourself this would be awful if you weren't a girl but alas I was that one bird in a pit of gators.

You see. Whilst my sister was at college and I had time off I used to dress up in her things. Then one day she caught me and took so many pictures of me threatening to tell and show mom and dad if I didn't do what she said. Thankfully for me that meant I got to wear more of her clothes. She ended up buying me some clothes aswell. However this bonding didn't last as one night when her friends were over they all decided to gang up on me and feminise me. They took photos of me and blackmailed me.

All my life all I wanted was to be like my big sister. She had a brilliant fashion sense and she had a massive heart. Sadly only 2% heated for me. Everyday after school I would come home to hey you faggot or how ya doin tranny. never a day went by that she didn't bully me. I guess she just didn't know what i had to face. She would constantly torment me and pretend to be telling mom about my little secret.

She had dark black hair and it fell right below her waist. her blue eyes complemented her freckles and she had such a cheery laugh. She used to beat me up when we were younger. She always used to grab me and punch me until I submitted and she would put makeup on me. Then she'd say to our parents that I asked her to do this too me. After that she'd be sent to her room and i was smacked constantly for being a dirty little boy.

Some would say I was curious but seeing me now I would say me and my sister knew what we were doing.

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