Chapter 2: Too Much Paperwork!

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They arrived at the Dres Van Kingdom, and she followed Joshua and Jan. "Now that I think about it, this might not be so bad." Ariana thought.

Joshua went another way, and Jan took Ariana to a guest room. "Whoa... It's so regal." Ariana said. "Oh? You don't like it?" Jan asked. "No, it's fine." Ariana said. "That's good. Please wait here, I'll get the paperwork." Jan said and left the room.

She looked around the room in a cautious manner. "For someone who illegally crossed the territory, they gave me such a nice room." Ariana said. "Knock. Knock." A familiar voice said.

She turned towards the doorway. "Prince Roberto? What are you doing here?" Ariana asked. "I'm only visiting, and I heard you were coming here." Roberto said. "Prince Joshua thought I was his lord's granddaughter, and I was trying to tell him I wasn't, but he kept interrupting me, and when we reached the area, I was finally able to tell him and now he's keeping me here like I'm a prisoner." Ariana said. "I'm sorry it ended up like this, but all you have to do is fill out some paperwork and you'll be able to go home, right?" Roberto asked. "Yeah, I'll get this done and go home." Ariana said.

Jan came back carrying a huge pile of paperwork, and came in and out of the room about six times, and papers filled about half of the desk which made her jaw dropped. "You mean to tell me I have to fill out all of that..?" Ariana asked. "Yes. It is necessary to do so." Jan said. "How about I get you something to drink while you do all of this? How about some wine?" Roberto asked. "Oh, no thank you I'm-" Ariana said. "Are you under aged?" Joshua asked coming in the room. "What?" Ariana asked. "Are you under aged?" Joshua asked again. "Yes, I am." Ariana said. "Really? How old are you, Ms. Ariana?" Roberto asked. "I'm 19 years old." Ariana said.

They were all surprised. "Just a year older than Prince Glenn." Roberto said. "Yeah... Well..." Ariana said. "I see you got all the paperwork." Joshua said. "Do I seriously have to fill out all of that?" Ariana said. "Yes. It's your only ticket to go." Joshua said. "Yeah... I'm going to jump off a bridge, see you later!" Ariana said walking away.

In an instant, Joshua grabbed her arm for her to stop. "You will not jump off a bridge to get out of this." Joshua said. "Yeah! And if you do that, I'll be very sad." Roberto said. She sighed. "Fine... I'll do this but I won't like it." Ariana said. "Good." Joshua said and freed her arm.

Roberto came over to her, and put his hand on her head. "You'll be fine. Before you know it, you'll be done." Roberto said. "Thank you." Ariana said. "Isn't it time for you to go already?" Joshua asked. "Oh! You're right! I'm sad I have to go already, but don't worry Ms. Ariana. I shall see you very soon." Roberto said. "Ok. Goodbye, your highness." Ariana said bowing. "Please call me Roberto." Roberto said. "Oh... Ok." Ariana said. "Well, see you." Roberto said and left and Joshua followed him out. "Do you need anything, Ms. Ariana?" Jan asked. "Oh! No, thank you. I'm fine for now." Ariana said. "Alright. If you need me, you know where to find me. Please excuse me." Jan said and left the room. She turned to the paperwork, and sighed.

Soon after, she began to fill out papers. "I swear I'm going to get arthritis when I'm done completing all of this." Ariana said. She filled out some more paper. "Just kill me now!" Ariana said, and saw that she only finished three. She looked at the piles of paperwork and groaned. "There must be at least over 9000 I'm guessing." Ariana said.

As she was filling out more papers, she felt her eyes getting heavy, and collapsed on the floor.

The next morning, she woke up and realized she was on the bed. "I don't remember falling asleep on the bed." Ariana said.

As she was walking down the hall, she let out a big yawn. "But man... I stayed up so late filling out papers. The amount of papers is like all four years of high school." Ariana said. "Ms. Ariana." Jan said walking towards her. "Oh! I was just... Walking around." Ariana said. "Would you like some breakfast? Please follow me." Jan said. "Well... I wasn't given a choice anyways." Ariana thought.

She arrived in the dining room, and saw Joshua sitting and reading the newspaper. "Please have a seat." Jan said. She sat down and looked at Joshua. "What would you like to eat?" Jan asked. "Surprise me. I'm not a picky eater, so anything is fine." Ariana said. "Very well, please wait here." Jan said and left the room.

There was an awkward silence in the room with only Ariana and Joshua. He was still continuing to read the newspaper and obviously avoiding eye contact.

Ariana's vision was getting a little blurry but was trying to endure it. She put her hand on her forehead. "I hope I'm not getting sick." Ariana mumbled to herself.

She looked at Joshua reading the newspaper and cleared her throat. "Is there some interesting news in today's newspaper?" Ariana asked. "Mm." Joshua mumbled.

Jan came back and served her food. "Thank you." Ariana said. He bowed and went to the wall. She looked down at the food. "Whoa... I'm not worthy of this. I mean wow..." Ariana thought. She felt her vision go blurry again, and shook her head. "Maybe I'm just hungry, and once I eat I'll be fine." Ariana thought and took her first bite. "So good!" Ariana thought.

Joshua peeked through the newspaper and saw her reaction. "What's that for?" Joshua asked. "Oh!" Ariana exclaimed looking away blushing. He raised an eyebrow. "Whatever." Joshua said and went back reading the newspaper. "Not much of a talker, are you?" Ariana asked. "I am, but just not to you." Joshua said. She stuck her tongue out at him. "That's mean!" Ariana said. He ignored her and she puffed out her cheeks. She continued to eat while glaring at Joshua.

After breakfast, she was walking back to her room. She was stumbling as she walking and her vision got even more blurry and felt herself burning up. "What's wrong with me?" Ariana asked.

She started to break a sweat, and she fell to her knees and started to breathe heavily and loudly. "Ms. Ariana!" Jan said running towards her. He kneeled down to her and put his hand on her back. "What happened?" "I... Need... A..." Ariana said breathing hard at the same time. "What?" Jan asked. "...Inhaler..." Ariana said.

Joshua was walking towards them and starting running up to them. "What's wrong with her?" Joshua asked. "She needs an inhaler, your highness." Jan said.

She starting coughing uncontrollably and started to get weaker. "Get her one! Quick!" Joshua said. Jan got up. "Yes, your highness." Jan said and ran off. Joshua kneeled down to her. "Can you manage?" Joshua said. "Of... Course... Not..!" Ariana said. "Why didn't you tell me you had this problem?" Joshua asked. "I... Didn't... Think... I... Would... Break... Down... Like... This..." Ariana said and blacked out.

He caught her just in time not letting her hit the floor. "Hey! Stay with me!" Joshua said. She was completely unconscious, not showing sign of waking up anytime soon.

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