Are You Kidding Me, Lisa?!

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Phil Dunphy does his best. Admittedly, being a realtor in Gotham isn't exactly easy, especially when you actually care about the clients. If you told Phil to count the amount of times he's had to refuse to sell a house until they got the mold out of it, he wouldn't be able to. That's just the beginning, don't get him started on how difficult it is to convince someone to buy a house in Gotham.

But, he'd be lying if he said that he didn't enjoy getting these people into safe homes, a little further away from the city. Even one successful sale is a huge win in his book. Lately though, Phil has been selling houses on the other side of town. While he's glad to be expanding the number of clients he can sell to, this does mean he has to drive through Gotham to get to and from work.

Surprisingly, the usually hectic and rage inducing traffic of Gotham was toned down tonight. Sure, there was still your standard bad driver, that was only natural, but at least Phil didn't feel like he would die if he took a turn a little too slowly. His mood lightened at the thought of coming back home to his children and helping Claire with dinner.

He lets his guard down a little, and turns up the volume as a Hall & Oates song comes on. He sings along as he feels himself relaxing.


Gone is the smile that was previously beginning to grace, replaced by dread as he stops the car. He turns the music down before turning the car off completely. He curses a little under his breath as he opens the car door, practically leaping out of his car.

He slams the door closed and turns around, the color draining from his face as he sees cop cars in the distance...and Nightwing right in front of him. "Ookay, I know what this looks like," he starts. "Yeah, I wouldn't-" "I am a respected realtor, I would never hit anybody on purpose-"

Then the person he hit gets back up. Only then did he notice the face paint, torn clothing, and hastily snipped hair. Before Phil can comment, Nightwing is restraining the person. "You should probably run," Nightwing says as he knocks the person out.

Now Phil was noticing the state of his surroundings. Vehicles were turned on their side -one of which being an ice cream truck- and set on fire. There were more people with face paint, apparently joining forces with one of Gotham's local factions; the Freaks.

As he took in the situation, trying to find a way to sneak away, he was tackled. There was an immediate sense of familiarity, "are you kidding me, Lisa?!" Phil manages to fight her off, "I sold you a condo," he exclaims as he runs from her.

He tries his best to get out of the riot's range, only to be cornered by the Freaks. "Oh, come on!" The Freaks only taunted him. Albeit, in their usual boring and uncreative way. "Well," one starts, poking his stomach lightly with their bat, "if it isn't Phil Dumb-phy." "You know, I don't appreciate my father-in-law calling me that-"

"Hush up," another chimes in, pointing a knife dangerously close to his ribs. "Or maybe we'll just decide to gut you now." Phil raises his hands in surrender, "okay, okay, that's quite the escalation, don't you think?" "You-" she was cut off by Nightwing flying in from God knows where and slamming his heels into her side.

The other Freaks were scared off by the occurrence, fumbling on the ground for a moment before running away entirely. Kind of ridiculous. Kind of comical. Nightwing, once again, turns his attention to Phil. "Couldn't get away in time?" "I guess not." Nightwing nods, then looking over to Lisa.

"Sold her a condo, huh?" "Yeah." "I think I've seen you around before, on park benches and all. You move people away from the high-crime part of the city, right?" "Yeah, even then, people are hesitant to buy a house in Gotham." Nightwing chuckles a little, "I suppose that makes sense."

He walks over to her, kneeling down in front of the woman. The whites of his domino mask glow a faint blue before going back to their usual white. Nightwing then stands up with a, "hmm." Curious, Phil steps closer, "Is she okay?" Nightwing bites his lip, "physically speaking, yes, but she's being mind controlled."

"Wait a minute, does it have to do with that ReQ thing? Some Dr. Q's product being endorsed and advertised by NERP?" "NERP is enabling her, huh?" "My daughter works for the company." "You getting this, Belfry?" Phil chose not to question who 'Belfry' was.

He supported Gotham's vigilante activity, and would rather not get on their bad side, especially with what he's heard about Red Hood. Instead, he decided to give a little more information. "I keep in touch with many of my clients, including Lisa. She had been raving about the thing, along with a lot of the local divorcees"

Nightwing nods as he walks to an ice cream truck, mostly focused on his mission. Phil started to feel like he was being a burden. "There's the source," Nightwing mutters, typing something into the system. "I need you at the hospital, now," a woman's voice crackles through the air.

"I'm on it," Nightwing replies as he turns back to Phil. "You should be good to now. Thanks for the information. Believe it or not, you are making a difference in Gotham." "Not as big of a difference as you are," Phil shoots back as he heads towards his car.

When the Bluetooth links up to the car, Phil immediately dials one specific contact. "Hello?" "Luke, you'll never believe what just happened!"

Has llegado al final de las partes publicadas.

⏰ Última actualización: Jan 03, 2023 ⏰

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