03. the sword that became human

Start from the beginning

He remembers the words that came next perfectly though, "Any devil you fight along side me will either be as strong, if not stronger, than my own abilities. You must become your own version of myself."

He couldn't deny her comment either, for he knew Seira was fighting devils that ruled over the darkest places of hell while everyone else simply dealt judgment out to petty creatures of fear. Her name was a legend amongst everyone in Public Safety; she was a double edged sword because on one end her name was sang with praise and the other was muttered in fear.

Seira was a devil in itself, or so Himeno had told him.

Aki liked Miss Himeno, and at times wished they would've been buddies rather than the sadist woman who he swore could kill him with her piercing eyes. Miss Himeno was a lot more down to earth and friendly, and he was shocked when he found out that Seira and Himeno were friends, for he never thought such a sultry woman would indulge in companionship. They were polar opposite as well, and it was difficult at times to watch as Himeno drank and preached nonsense in public while Seira stayed steady chain smoking just to keep her mouth busy from speaking unflattering responses.

Aki had thought he'd pick up quicker than Seira had thought, but he was yet again proven wrong and proving her right. During the difficult month of hard training and unimaginable pain that showed disgustingly all over his body he still hadn't landed a hit on her. Everyday she proved that she had an unimaginable powerful devil residing in her. She was fast, like a mountain lion, claws and teeth hard as a blood hounds, and he could only imagine what type of sword master had trained her because when a blade was in her hand he had already given up on the idea of a good outcome.

Today was one of those days, and Aki only fed his doubts more when Seira had refused to allow him lunch. She was pissed, and he hated being her punching bag, for the markings she left would send any normal human running for child protective services. She was cruel and unjust, and he hated the idea of her producing offspring, for he knew she'd be a horrible mother.

"Stop thinking," Seira shouted at him as Aki started to pick himself up from the ground, "This all has to come naturally to you. Second nature, if you think too much on the battle field you will be dead in seconds!"

If Aki had a dollar for every time Seira had told him that line he'd be rich by now. He begrudgingly picked up his sword from the dirt, shocked that it hadn't shattered from the many inhuman blows it had taken over the month. He wished it would break today, maybe then he'd finally get a lunch break, or better yet find the comfort of his bed.

"I know you're angry with me right now, so let it fuel you. Make the anger energy," Seira told him, and she was right, he was angry. His hands shook with anger, and his jaw twitched as he clamped down to keep himself from lashing out at the woman. "Now, let it go and fight me," Seira said calmly.

She swiftly charged at him, swinging the silver blade at his side, and Aki quickly blocked the attack with his own sword. The force that Seira had forced him skidding across the dirt, leaving an engraving of his path and dust to settle in the air. She quickly came from above, swinging her sword down on him, but he quickly reacted by blocking the attack with his own. Seira was inhuman though, and they became locked together, and the sheer strength of the devilish woman had Aki slowly kneeling to the ground.

Fear attacked Aki like rabid dogs to flesh, for this was either the moment his blade shattered under the strain of its battles, or the moment Seira killed him for his uselessness to her.

He refused to die though, he had too much to prove, and he certainly wouldn't prove another one of her points right.

Aki Hayakawa was not weak like Seira Rika would like to think.

𝐆𝐎𝐃 𝐂𝐎𝐌𝐏𝐋𝐄𝐗, chainsaw manWhere stories live. Discover now