Chapter 4: E. meets N.

Start from the beginning

"it's gonna be a surprise party.." Lucky orders while punching his fist into his palm.

looking up at him I admired his accent as he spoke..

"Nyla- gets to great the Mortal first, because I says so." he sternly informed the others.

I was silent a moment, "you're too kind.." I softly smile at him.

he tilts his head and looks down at me, "you'll never get less than from me Little Bunny." he sweetly replies and winks.

(Lucky has always been tough on his animatronic counterparts since he is the leader/Boss of them.

but when I came into the picture our immediate bond made us equal and I became the gang's second alpha.

Lucky treats me with immense value and makes me feel loved like I never have been before..)

There are many shops and buildings on the main street near the portal.

There are many shops and buildings on the main street near the portal

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The gang dispersed among them, finding their own hiding place.

I entered one of the unfinished stores about midway, close to the portal.

It was dusty inside and many furniture items like tables were stacked up onto each other, accompanied by thin white sheets hanging about and draped over random areas.

I hid behind a small wall that divided the front show window from the side window of the door, I wasn't worried about being seen because of how dark it was.

firmly with my back pressed against the wall, I held my weapon tight.

suddenly that familiar wooshing sound of something being spat out of the portal filled my ears..

followed by a faint noise of a woman grunting and then coughing soon after.

I quietly leaned over towards the showcase window, and peeked through the eyes of my metallic Lucky mask.

I spot the mortal struggling to rise from the ground..

It took her awhile- but she finally did it.

She began huffing like she was out of breath, and took a moment to stand there and rest.

After seemingly collecting herself, she started walking down the main street.

I waited until she passed my building..

And then I quietly snuck out of the door..

"So, you're Bierce's new pet," I utter carelessly as a greeting.

She gasps loudly almost flinging her head clean off of her shoulders turning back to look.

She saw what seemed like a young woman, standing on the dark and wet brick pavement, clutching a large meat cleaver.

Trying to peek back at me through the eyes of the mask, "who are you?" she squints.

I step a few inches forward..

"Don't come any closer, I have the powers to fight back!" she shouts holding her hand at me.

I smile from behind my mask and briefly glance down..

"I'm aware.." I say as I suddenly disappear.

"I used to have many of them myself, when I was in your place.." I say as she frantically looks around trying to find me.

I perched myself and stood on one of the building roofs, feeling powerful as I looked down upon her.

I look up at the gloomy skies and enjoy the strong breath of the wind..

I then focus my gaze down on her again while she attempts to flee slowly.

I quietly teleport down behind her..

"I was the girl Bierce used before she found you to take my place.."

"I might have betrayed her.." I say with sarcasm and slyness.

"Bierce can't be trusted, she's only using you to get what she wants, you'll understand that soon enough."

I chuckle while constantly appearing and disappearing in different places, "or maybe not? I think this might be your last showdown." I taunt.

"be careful Elise! That is Nyla, my former progeny."

"she's very good at what she does.."

"and she is not alone!"

"run! Get out of there! It's an ambush!" Bierce's voice shouts in her head.

I manifested in front of her, narrow-eyed sensing that Bierce may be interfering because of the mortal's body language.

Elise begins to run with great speed away from me, but not before I barely tagged her back with my blade, leaving a long gash.

"she's headed for the castle maze!" I shout to the gang while gesturing my left hand in that direction.

They all come out of hiding and rush to me..

"me, Penny, and Nyla will search the maze."

"Hangry, guard the entrance so the mortal can't escape." Lucky orders with great authority.

"right, of course, Boss, anything for those ribs." he agrees excitedly and chuckles.

"let's begin shall we?" I say darkly, resting my cleaver on my right shoulder while peering up at them all briefly.

Hangry stepped in front of the doorway to block it as the rest of us entered the labyrinth..

Hangry stepped in front of the doorway to block it as the rest of us entered the labyrinth

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Author's note: thank you all for being patient, I hope you enjoyed this new part.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 02, 2023 ⏰

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