Chapter 2

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-with Jiro-

-the next day-

She woke up the next morning and got dressed for class and Walked out of her room, walking to the small kitchen attached to the lounge room, and turned the jug on and pulling two cups down, spooning one teaspoon of Huntress's Hazelnut coffee which had been untouched in her absence into one cup and a teaspoon of Jiro's death wish Coffee into the other.

She continued prepare the coffees while eyeing Huntress's door.

"She's got to be awake by now" Jiro muttered plugging her earphone jack into her phone and pressing play on her music

Once she was finished making the coffee she walked to Huntress's room and lightly kicked the door in an attempt to knock due to her hands being full.

It Took a moment but Huntress's door opened ever so slightly revealing a single Emerald Green eye of Huntress Drake, though it appeared to be Red and slightly puffed up, as if she had been Crying, the dark Circle under her eye told Jiro that she had been up all night.

"Hey Huntress" she said with a light smile and showing The girl the mug of Coffee "I thought you might need some coffee"

Huntress opened the door Just enough to grab the coffee, allowing Jiro a small Glimps into the forcefully darkened room, Though she couldn't see anything.

"Thanks, Jiro" Huntress stated, her voice sounding emotionless, as if she had nothing left in her life "let Aizawa know I'm going to take some time away from classes"

"Ok" Jiro said simply before looking at the Emerald Green eyes again "Did you want me to come check on you after class?"

"I'd prefer you didn't" Huntress stated bluntly before adding "At least for a while"

Jiro sighed sadly before saying "Oh, alright, I'm sorry to disturb you"

Huntress simply shut the door in Jiro's face, though it wasn't aggressive at all.

Jiro sighed placing her hand on the door before sitting on the couch drinking her coffee.

"I should be happy that she's back, something about the Squad seemed so empty Without her"

no one there to butt heads with Bakugo, No one to try and teach Denki how to actually treat women, though Shinso filled her position from time to time and no one to distract Jiro.

Something about her absence just felt wrong, like the Squad was Devoid of life, Nothing bringing life to the Friend Group, Even Jiro had to admit that although the arguments with Bakugo would get on her nerves, She'd prefer it over The Absence of Huntress

Jiro continued to sip her coffee, unable to stop herself from thinking about Huntress, and her absence from the Squad but Soon finished her coffee, washed her mug and walked to class, sitting down while everyone filed in, once the class were there Aizawa sighed standing up and looked out "No Huntress?"

"No" Jiro answered "she's taking some time away from classes"

"How is she?"

"I don't think she's slept and has been crying all night"

Aizawa nodded sadly as he said "She'll come to us if she wants help"

His words had almost made Jiro believe he had read her mind.

"Where's Akira?" She questioned "he's normally one of the first here?"

"Akira is with the newly cleaned League, Huntress isn't the only person who lost someone close to them yesterday"

Heart of the Huntress Book 2: FeelingsWhere stories live. Discover now