“Hi how are you?” he asked quickly recovering from the previous encounter, though he still looked like he just walked up a mountain and back.

“Well, I guess I am good. How about you? Are you okay, because you don’t look like it?” I asked raising an eyebrow.

“I am fine and I just took and placed all of your suitcases in your room. Which, might I add, you had a total of 9 and they all weighed a ton except the first one.” He said while a smirk appeared across his face.

“Oh and I am sorry about that the first one was full of feathers.” He gave me a weird look and then dismissed it quickly, as if he expected it. “For emergencies” we said in unison. We looked at each other then busted out laughing. “How did you know?” I asked as soon as my laughing subsided.

“You just look like the type.” He stated matter-of-factly.

I raised an eyebrow. “So I look like the type to pack a suitcase full of feathers?”

“Yup.” He said popping the p while opening the front door.

“Wow……I live here now?”


“OH MY FREAKING GOSH!! IT’S AWESOME.” I ran around the front area touching and gasping at everything. It was freaking awesome. It was so spacious. The theme was mostly modern royalty, as expected from Aunt Z. But still the place was great. The floors were a grayish marble and the walls were a mix warm and cold colors and guess what….. Like all awesome homes it had a grand staircase! Like the ones with 2 on each side.  I stood there just staring at it with awe. I mean don’t get me wrong it’s not like I lived under a rock for all of my life, I haven’t seen one of these before  in person.

“Patrick! What is all that noise? Don’t you know that I am busy doing business.” Said a very familiar voice as it was getting closer from down the top hall.

Then he appeared. He looked older but still him. But the way he held himself like he was too good for the world. This was not the Blaine I used to know. The Blaine I knew was nicer, polite, slightly confident but still unsure. He was caring not as arrogant. When he laid his on me his whole façade crumbled and his face fixed itself into pure joy and happiness. He bolted down the stairs 2 at a time and squeezed the life out of me. I would have enjoyed this more if 1. His shirt was on and 2. He wasn’t all sweaty, which brought a conclusion to what his business was.

“Ugh ok no huggy right now until you take a shower and get the business client out of here.” I said as I shrank away from his hold. That was disgusting. It was bad enough to be sweaty but to know the reason for it was just plain old vomit inducing.

“I missed you too sis.” He said as he picked me up again and twirled me around. He was rubbing it on me.

“Ugh ok hi too. I missed you too.  Get off of me NOW.” He dropped me and I landed on my butt. Right after that I heard clicking of heels coming down the same hall way as my brother came through. Low and behold there was a girl, half way dressed in 4 inch heels that she was teetering in, from what I guess because of the liquor she couldn’t hold. All that I could think of was how he could get away with all of this.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 23, 2011 ⏰

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