The bell

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Madison was out taking a hike one Friday afternoon. It was getting late so she had turned back to head home but it was too late. the sun had already started to set.

As the sun set and the woods became dark she started to get lost. The trails were complicated at night and there were so many branching paths.

Madison continued to walk on the path she thought lead out of the woods but oh was she wrong. unknowingly she didn't take a turn that would of saved her from her now impending doom.

As it got darker she turned on the flashlight on her phone aiming it at the path so she could see better. She continued down the path when she heard a bell ring. It wasn't a big bell from the sound of it but a small bell that would be on a cat's collar.

She looked around searching for what she thought was a lost kitten since they wonder off and are very curious creatures. She couldn't bare to think of someone's lost pet out in the woods alone. As she looked she started to head off the path to look in some near by shrubbery. She looked in them but found nothing.

There was the ringing again! that little bell but now it sounded a little farther away from her. She  started to follow it until she lost hope of finding that " little kitten ". She turned around to go back to the trail but...there was no path she was lost even more lost then before.

She tried to start heading back where she came but there was the ringing again. This time closer...this time...above her. She went to look up and shine her flashlight but she didn't see anything...strange.

She started walking again but the bell sounded again. Now poor Madison is getting scared and a little paranoid " what if this bell sound is all in my head " she thought. Oh but was she wrong. She was being hunted without knowing it.

She started to run trying to find the path quicker and trying to get away from the bell that seemed to follow her. The ringing getting louder it seems. As she ran she tripped...poor Madison haven't you ever seen a horror movie before.

She stumbled to her feet and continued to run to where she thought the path was. She was doing good this time. She was heading in the right direction ,  but as got to the path the creature that had been stalking and hunting her jumped from the limbs above where it had been the entire time and snatched her for it's supper.

She was found the next morning by two hiker half eaten with a small little bell right beside her head.

The end

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 02, 2023 ⏰

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