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I was really confused about all this happening first of all i like my friend keiry, i also have a boyfriend names allen and my parents are going to get divorced its so frustrating to me because and to find out that am bisexual is kinda a bad thing for my family if i tell them am pretty sure my mom won't like it. Last day of school was really bad for me because i found out that i had to go to summer school because i wasnt doing that good in my classes. When i told my mom she was really mad at me.
First day in summer school was horrible. But there was also really cute boys . Three days past and i see keiry walking to the class because i see that she had to go to summer school to after those horrible days i was really happy because i was going to be with her for a month and a half !yey!
...... we had trips to a lot of places, me and keiry had a great time. We walked home together. It was really fun.

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