In the infirmary, the room was silent. Whiskey still tried to makes Lucy calm and then inject her that made her unconscious. She then approached Marco, Ann and Sab

“What is happening before?” She asked them

“Garp was here, you must know it. He is so hardheaded and forced Lucy to cameback with him, yoi” Marco started to explain

“And all of sudden she explode. Screamed and yelled at him about he killed her brothers. She looks so hurt, Whiskey” Ann smiled with sad face

“She then began to panic and her breath started to frantic. We tried to calming her with our scents but that's not working” Sab continued

Whiskey sighed “You said that she was always having a nightmare, right?”
The sisters just nodded “Maybe not because the pirate that you told us before. Maybe the nightmare was because her trauma after loosing her brothers. She also said that she was almost died, that makes the trauma became worst. We have to know what she thinks and made some therapy for her mental” Whiskey said whilst checking the notes in her board
“We will discuss this with everyone, yoi. Whiskey, you also come with us and explain everything you told us here” Marco said and Whiskey gave a command to one of her nurse for take a look on Lucy before they go

They walked to the meeting room where everyone was waiting

“How is Lucy, daughter?” Whitebeard asked Whiskey

“She's stabil for now and sleeping in the infrimary. She will be there for a week to check her health later”

“Did you know that Lucy have a brothers before?” Shanks asked Ann and Sab

“No... She never told us anything about her life before we met” Sab said

“Then, what the diagnosis, Whiskey?” Izou asked

Whiskey began to explain everything like when she told Ann, Sab and Marco. She also added some possibility that makes Lucy having a worst trauma if they don't do anything

“Do you think that what she said actually true? Like that time when she said that she was a pirate king, and at the same time she doesn't want to be a pirate king again” Sab assumed

“If you say like that, I think some parts makes sense. Little Lucy told me that she won't meet me before she become a great pirate, but when I came here, she doesn't hesitant to approache me” Shanks said

“Right! She was so happy when she knows that you also came here before” Sab adds

“Her behaviour also different after she woke up with a nightmare. She was always cheerful and not affraid of everything, I mean she actually doesn't care of anything except her family and nakama. So when she suddenly change and had a sad with grief in her eyes, we know that something might happen. But we never want to corner her more” Ann made an assumption

“Are you saying that she might not from here?” Haruta asks

“Remember when she told Pops that she was so glad to met him again. She just once here before, and that was when the traitor stabbed her, so she couldn't saw Pops properly. And don't forget about the doctor for Pops sickness. If I think again, how was she knows about Pops health? We never mention that to be honest” Izou looks at his captain

“So she is from past?” Ann asks and Sab shook her head

“No, if anything right, Lucy was from future, because she knows everything that will happen. Like when the grey terminal was burned down, or about uncle Rayleigh that train her when she's child. You know uncle Ray knows her when we visited him in island near dawn island a few years after we trained our haki” She began to connect the dot

“Soo, if she said that she has two brothers, and they were killed by navy, no doubt that she would be more selfish towards us. She watch their beloved died one by one. She also told Pops about his drunk behaviour. Maybe that's related to Pops future, yoi” Marco spoke

“Just one question, why is she hiding all of this?” Vista asks

“She was there, my son. She was there when her brothers were killed. She was there when her nakama slowly started to die. She was alone that time. So she wouldn't want you all dissapeared again in front of her eyes. She became so selfish and possessive toward us because she doesn't want we lost our live like what happened in her life before” Whitebeard finally spoke to them

“If she told you about this, are you willing to believe it? She feels it herself. She mourn to us if that was the caused of her exploded emotion before” He said made everyone in the room thought deeply

“Then, we just have to make sure she won't experienced it again. We just have to bring her back and tell her that she don't have to be strong for us. And tell her that this time is our turn to protect her” Benn said and everyone smiled

“Yeah, we will make sure that she is cured”

“Gurarara, indeed my children. She is the most important treasure for us”

Shanks and Benn then excuse themselves to their ship, and the commanders were doing their task, except for Marco, Ann, Sab and Whitebeard whose in the infirmary now

“When will she wake up, yoi? I miss her smile and laugh” Marco sat on her side with his hand holding Lucy's

“She will, son. We just have to wait a little longer” Whitebeard squeezed his shoulder softly

“She has a lot of story to tell with us” Ann smiled whilst rubbing Lucy's forehead

“She sure is. We will always be there for her and listen whatever she say” Sab rubbed Lucy's left hand where she sat beside Ann and smile softly. They were there for a couple of hour before minding their business

When dinner time, there was a full of silent in the galley. Their sunshine wasn't there to cheer them up. They were felt failed although Lucy's brothers death was not because of them. The look on her face was described all of her emotion that she holded back then. They hope that Lucy would woke up soon and back with them again

When everyone deep in thought, one of nurse came in with a worried face

“What's wrong, yoi? Why are you so pant up like that” Marco asked her

She turn to the commanders and captain's table “Marco... Lucy..”

The commanders then focused on her after she mentioned about Lucy

“What happen to Lu?” Sab asks

“She... She is missing! I search everywhere in the infirmary and on the deck, even in her room but didn't find her either” Ann sprung up want to search her baby sister but the nurse continued

“I'm affraid something happen to her because the infirmary was full of her pheromones. I think she is in heat right now, I'm scared that she do something that she couldn't resist”

Whitebeard then stood and gave a command “Man!! Spread out and search for our youngest!! She is in heat right now and I want to hear about her in fine condition!!”

He then look at Marco “Marco, search from above or everywhere near moby. She can fly, so maybe she flew away or flying near moby”

“Got it, yoi” and everyone startes to search after that

Meanwhile with Lucy, before the ruckuss, she was woke up a moment when dinner was ready

“Ugh!! Where am I?” She looked around and realised that she was in the infirmary

“Ohh, I must be fainted. Where's everyone?” She continued to glance everything in that room when she suddenly holding her head

“Why I'm so dizzy? Crap!! I must be in heat right now. Where I keep my suppressant ugh!” She search in her pocket and then found it

She then ate it with a water that was on the table beside her bed “This is troublesome. I want Marco-san. Maybe I just go to his room” And for that she jump off from her bed and went out from infirmary towarda Marco's room

When she arrived at her mate's room, she opened the door and walked in, she rush to the bed after closed the door and took a phoenix plushie that looks like the one form of her mates and then sleep after the medicine works on her whilst tightly hugging the plushie and not paying attention about the chaos on the ship who was her siblings searching for her

Poor them...


Hii guys..
Happy New Year🥳🥳

I bring a new chapter and hope you like it

Have a nice day><

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