Change in a person

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Y/n pov:

"Yes, I do." I said simply. I felt my heart tighten more every second.

"Y/n, say it in a full sentence. I like you. Say it." Kunikuzushi said again, not taking my answer as enough.

I removed my hands from my face and tapped my cheeks to remove my blush a little. But he grabbed both of my arms as soon as they were in reach and out of my face.

"No distractions. I won't let go of you until you say it. And don't try to lie your way out." He said again.

Why was it so important for him to hear me say it?
It's not like he would like me back. Not to be mean, but would he know what it felt like to like someone? Has he ever liked anyone before? He couldn't possibly be attracted to me back.

"No, I won't." I said at last. I felt a small sense of relief as I felt his grip around my wrists loosen as I was almost able to tug my hands back to myself.

But then I felt his grip completely let go of my wrists. "That's a shame then..." he sighed. I didn't understand why I felt a small bit of disappointment as he let go.

Although that quickly disappeared as I felt him completely embracing me from behind again, one arm around my chest and one around my torso.

I then heard his voice again near my ear.
"I guess I'll just have to make you say it one day then." He said as he laid his face in my neck and rested himself there. I could feel a small hint of a smile on his face.

"You're talking nonsense..." I said, trying to dismiss him. However he brushed it off. He obviously knew about my crush on him now. And there was no way out of it.

I sighed, and my heart sped up. "Kuni... I like-"
However before I could continue, his hand moved up to my mouth and covered it, making me stop.

My eyes were wide. I thought he wanted me to say it?

"I changed my mind." He said, his voice was soft. Softer than I had heard in a while and it made me feel extremely comfortable in his arms.

I couldn't speak back as his hand still covered my mouth. After a few more seconds he kept speaking his mind.
"I don't want to hear you say you like me. I want to one day hear you say you love me. I'll be good to you. So let me win your heart Y/n." He said, still hiding his face in my neck.

I felt like I had never been loved more in my life by the way he was hugging me.
Then he let go of the hug, let go of me.

I was in shock for a minute before I snapped back. "But I-" I was interrupted by him again.

"Good night Y/n." He said and walked out of the room.

But I do love you.

I was left alone in the room, shocked at what had just happened.

"Let me win your heart Y/n."

I gasped with a blush and covered my mouth with my hands.
Did he-?!
Did he actually like me back?!
The same person I've lived with for the past years?!

I will save you (Kunikuzushi x fem!reader)Where stories live. Discover now