Nation: Asahi Celestial Empire (1)

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Calling it gigantic in terms of the size of the Asahinese economy would be an understatement, it's a titanic of epic proportions. Over 98% of the world's economy is owned by the Asahi Empire with its GDP reaching 5.26 Quadrillion Credits, or 504.96 Quadrillion dollars. It's average annual growth is around 1-3% and in only a mere 3 decades its growth reached 36% the largest growth within the 11th founding millennium. The country has the largest GDP and GDP per Capita and has been the largest since the 3rd Millennium.

Credits was the main currency of the empire and has been the international currency of the world for thousands of years.

During the Cold War, the Asahi Empire only had its Trading partner from the Far Eastern nations along with the Southern part of the nation. Trading with the North and West are barred due to a potential espionage.

Its biggest source of all its resources is located in Vultrum Region, just bordering the northern part of the Asherum Capital Region. The special anomaly about this region is the fact that the anomalous soils and rocks are capable of generating an infinite number of resources as long as any type of resources is put into the soil or rock. This was the most vital secret of the Asahi Empire and when the Big 3 became aware of the anomalous cheat resources, they didn't take it likely.

While being a militarist country, the empire did not slack on establishing megaprojects for commercial purposes. It has the largest high speed train network, the largest building in the world, the only nation to have aerial cities, floating cities, underwater cities, underground cities, and orbital cities.

It also holds the largest research facilities, academy, dam, and powerplants of any type. It had the tallest buildings in the form of space elevators, the longest bridge that connects the Savera Continent and Calvisa Continent, and the deepest tunnel that goes all the way to the mantle. That's not even counting the fact they had the largest and most numerous airports, seaports, and even space ports at the same time.

For tourism, it also had the largest and most beautiful park in the world and each one of them are seen in the skies, water, underwater, land, and even underground and space, with each reaching the size of 10km. The best part about it is that it is free to enter and literally anything inside the park is free even staying with limited days as long as they follow the rules.

In the entire history of the Asahi Empire, they abide by the simple yet effective approach.

Conventional tactics are to be used in the early stages of the war, but during the middle part and on the war they are winning they are to be interwoven with the Unconventional tactics as the emperor does not want someone slacking even in the case of their victory within their grasp.

Espionage and preparation for preemptive strikes are to be used before the war had begun, and during the middle and final stages of the war Conventional Warfare and Asymmetrical Warfare are to be used in tandem.

However, should the empire find itself fighting an overwhelming force or losing slowly against their opponent, defensive and asymmetrical tactics are to be taken in priority.

Weapons of Mass Destruction should only be activated when an opponent initiated a first strike of its weapon on its homeland. The darker alternative for its use is when the tide of war is going against them.

The oldest branch of the military, the Asahi Imperial Army is the land service branch of the Asahi Imperial Armed Forces. It was formed during the Savera Continental War around 2,500 AF when a large-scale conflict had occurred between the Kingdoms. The Imperial Army had participated in more than a hundred conflicts since its foundation and only lost 13 conflicts in all its history.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 31, 2022 ⏰

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