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As Peter entered their office was Bob already sitting on the couch, reading some book about a murderer in the 80s.
"Hey, you're alone ? Where is the first one ?", Peter sat den next to Bob, resting his arm on the armrest of the couch.
"Yeah, Justus is bringing some pie over to the neighbors. His aunt promised them some.", Bob was really invested in the story.
Peter leaned over, now half laying on his friends trying to get a look at the book.
"Peter !", his friend groaned, but not really pushing him off, so he stayed exactly like this.
The two read the book together like this, when Justus opened the door, seeming angry.
"You won't believe it ! So I was over at the Danbury's house - hi Peter - and brought them some pie, for whatever reason. Then, Mrs. Danbury looked at me, and just said ...", he sounded pissed off, and said the next sentence in a mocking voice, " ... 'Well, lucky me that I still got some pie ! It looks like you would eat it in a matter of seconds' ! AND THEN she pointed at my belly."
Justus walked in a circle, picking at his lip with his fingers.
"I know I'm not slim, yeah ! But the audacity !
I will never bring her pie ever again."
Peter and Bob couldn't help but smirk, even though they also thought that this was very rude.
"Just', don't let it get to you. We love you just the way you are ! Even with a small belly", Bob said, standing up and squeezing Justus arm.
"I know that.... But maybe it's time to do a diet again ...", Justus mumbled, already spacing out again.
"Only if you want to, detective.", Peter said, but wasn't heard by his friend, because he already sat down to write down something new he had thought of.

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