Prologue: Normal day... or not

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Y/N first person pov:

At 6 AM, I almost fall off my bed as my mom screams at me to get ready for school. I hate school, WHO WOULDN'T?! I put my slippers on then I head to the bathroom to look at myself in the mirror: conclusion, I look like a racoon who didn't sleep for minimum 3 weeks. Great.

Maybe I should have slept earlier instead of crying due to watching the Demon Slayer movie all night for the 48378298746th time... Rengoku turning into a donut is emotional okay.

After washing my face and internally crying due to the fact that I'm ugly af when I wake up, I go downstairs to see my mother dozing on the living room couch. She was currently sleeping somehow. She managed to fall asleep in 2 minutes. (the time that I arrived downstairs from my bed.) I personally could never, I take too long to fall into slumber.

I then head to the kitchen quietly while panicking cause I don't want to get whooped by accidentally waking her up. On the dinning table I see a plate of pancakes, the good shit.

After eating my pancakes, I brush my teeth then head back to my bedroom where I put comfortable clothes, comfort over fashion any day.

After continuing my daily morning routine or whatever I finally start walking to school. On the way there I meet my friend and then we continue walking together.

SIKE. I don't have friends lol.

-skip cause nobody cares about classes-

School is boring as fuck, worst when you don't have any friends like Giyuu. I put earbuds on and start listening to music, if nobody wants to be my friend, at least music will always be there for me.

As I cross the road I then hear people screaming, not paying attention, I fail to see the truck coming at me at full speed. Next thing I know, I'm down on the floor, dying lol. I can't even take my death seriously. I'm such an idiot, this could have never happened if I was not a dumbass and that I paid attention, I don't even pay attention to class, that's a problem ngl. My body hurts but like, no shit sherlock, you got hit by a big ass truck.

Hopefully I will be sent to another world after my death you know, I'm looking forward to a more exiting life just saying! If this life will end this way then I better get a good ending in my next.

Is having friends, a non-shitty father, a possible future lover and an overall happy life too much to ask for?

Pffttt, maybe I'm sounding kinda depressed rn but like I'M DYING okay.

I pray that god will bless me if I do infact get a second chance with infinite money to buy every manga possible. Though I'm sure it won't happen, I'll keep dreaming lmao.

Soon enough, I start to fall unconscious, my vision gets blurry. Next thing I know, everything is dark. Just like my heart lololol, okay I'm sorry, that was cringe.

But.. is this really the end?

Welp, no obviously as this is just the prologue.


Thanks for reading the prologue, I'll probably not have the patience to continue this as this is shit so far.


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