The return

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It was a normal day at firehouse 51, just before breakfast everyone expect from the squad boys where sitting in the common room. Squad 3 were sitting on the table in the truck bay. "Hey Cruz how are the boys?" Capp asked. Cruz smiled before he answered "they are doing good, Javi is doing well in school and is being the best big brother to baby Otis" Capp and tony smile at Cruz it's been a while since they saw him smile that big. It was like when Otis was alive.      
As 51 relaxed before breakfast or a call which ever happens first no one seemed to notice a figure stand in front of Otis memorial. He stood there for a while remembering his old friend and the good times. Back at the squad table Cruz revels what today is "today is the anniversary of Otis death" the squad boys all share small sad smiles "well then we will go out there today and make Otis proud" tony said. Capp nodded in agreement. "Yeah we will" Cruz agreed while looking down the app floor right at Otis memorial where he notices the figure standing in front of it. "Hey I will be back in a few someone is standing in front of Otis memorial" Cruz tells the boys as he stands up and starts to head down the app floor.
"Hey welcome to 51! Would you like to know more about Otis?" Cruz asked as he approached the figure. "No it's alright I knew Otis" replied the figure as he began to turn around. "Mills!" Cruz exclaimed as he pulls Mills into a brotherly embrace. "Hey Cruz" Mills replied returning the embrace. Capp and Tony hearing Cruz also make their way down the app floor. "Mills" Capp said with a smile as Tony waved."hey Capp, hey Tony" mills replied with a smile of his own. The boys all start to head back up towards the firehouse and head inside towards the common room.

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