Moving Schools and states!

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Y/N packed her bags to be ready to head to her new High School in Ohio.

Maybe this school is for me! My last school was a total bust! Everyone made fun of me! For no reason at all! Just because I'm a little clumsy and silly doesn't mean you have to bully me about it! Jeez!

Y/N sighed and walked outside of her old small house. That she lived by herself in because her parents died when she was 3 years old!

Before I forget I have to tell the Landlord I'm leaving, and that they can put up the house for another renter.

Y/N made her way to landlords house and knocked on their door in the freezing cold.


LandLord POV:
I was sitting inside and drinking my hot cocoa on this winter day. Until someone knocked on my door!

The Landlord sighed and opened the door. All the Landlord wanted to do was chill near the fire, on this very freezing cold day.

The Landlord was surprised to see Y/N there.

"Oh god.. not this weird 'UwU' person again." The Landlord thought before greeting Y/N with a:

"Oh! Hi you!"

"Hi Mrs. Kalscape! I came to tell you that I'm gonna be moving. So, you can open the house to other people!"

Y/N said to her, then giggled at the end like: "heehee!"

Landlord POV:
Why are they giggling... I didn't even say anything funny-

Y/N's white hair glided in the wind.

"Oh! I'm gonna miss my flight! Ah! I'm so clumsy~!"

Y/N said.

"Bye Bye!"

Y/N ran into their old house to get a piece of toast with a singular piece of butter on it, she got on her bike and drove to the airport. With the toast in her mouth.

LandLord POV:
Fucking weirdo...

Y/N ran into the airport and rushed to terminal B.

She panted as she sat down on the airports black seat in the waiting area.


"Oh! Time to go~!"

Y/N quickly boarded onto the plane. She took her seat next to the window.

"Hello, this is your captain here. We are gonna be arriving in Ohio in 4 hours. Make sure to put your phones on airplane mode, and fasten your seatbelts. We are about to take lift off."

Y/N quickly put her phone on airplane mode before the plane made their move.

The plane sky rocketed into the sky like it was nothing.


Y/N got off the plane. And took a Uber to her new apartment that she checked into from a week ago.

"Thanks again! Bye Bye! Heh!"

Y/N shouted at the Uber

"Bye to you too..?"

The Uber drives off shaking his head.

Y/N giggled then skipped her way to her apartment.

They had their first day of school the next day, for this day they just relaxed and watched a bunch of their favorite shows.
Word count:
521 words <3

Thanks for reading!

 Y/N story but.. SHE GOES TO A REALISTIC HIGH SCHOOL.Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant