The Pilot Speaks

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The asset they smuggled out of Calivon space turned out to be a Union based spy, whether government or private, she didn't know, disguised as a Calivon and whose cover was blown, always a risk, on his way to their interrogation facility. Intercepted Union communiques stated that the government was officially disavowing all knowledge of his activities. They learned that he reported that Edward Mercer and Kelly Grayson were still alive from these same messages.

"They're exhibits in a zoo!"

Alara shuddered at that. Captive, on display for the amusement of spectators! She couldn't imagine the shame, the humiliation they must endure.

"Thousands of specimens, a lot of Union citizens, children, even! They're there for the rest of their lives!" the spy reported.

One of the crew, a large green-skinned Grackian who resembled a biped Gila Monster, cried out, "By the sacs of Kareel, that is monstrous!" The others shook their heads in agreement. They thought they were prepared for anything, but this news shook them to their core. The humans among them looked like their faces were drained of blood.

After they recovered, one of them said, "So what the hell can we do about it! Shit!"

Alara tried to think of something.

Various ideas were tried and dismissed, resulting in heated discussions.

"This is getting nowhere," Alara said.

"Do you have any ideas?" the Grackian hissed.

She sighed, and shook her head. She felt helpless, hopeless. What was she thinking? Back when she had the chance, with the resources of the Orville literally at her command, she decided to follow orders instead. She had what she thought were good reasons for doing so, even argued with Gordon and John about why she had to take the lives of 300 people into consideration. She convinced herself she was right, even though she paid a heavy price for it.

Now she was second-guessing herself, thinking those 300 people were willing to fight for Union ideals and she denied them that! To sit idly by while the dignity and humanity of Union officers are slowly and excruciatingly diminished for the rest of their tormented lives, this is what the Union is willing to tolerate? She wallowed in self-pity.

"I'm sorry..." she murmured. "I..."

Suddenly, buzzing was heard, a harsh grating sound that almost made everyone jump, confused. It came from an overhead console. "It's from the cockpit," a man said, pointing at it. The pilot apparently had something to say.

Someone grabbed an earpiece from an overhead console. "What is it?"

After about ten seconds he said, "Nobody knows what to do next!"

He listened for a couple minutes. "Yeah?" The man sounded amused.

He listened a few minutes more. "Okay, Ace" the man replied, "I guess I get it. It's worth a shot. See if you can contact them!"

"Well," Jack Gerson, the man who talked to the cockpit, said, looking at everybody there, including Alara, with a smile. "Ace has an idea."

"What is it?"

"I'll let him tell you in good time! For now, we'll see if he can get the ball rolling!"

Alara looked downcast, feeling foolish for looking weak. Jack looked at her and smiled, "Forget it, kid! We've all had moments of doubt, and I've been doing this a long time!" Nods all around. A small smile crept on her face.

The pilot buzzed and Gershon answered. He replaced the headpiece after listening to the pilot and announced, "Okay, everybody strap in. It looks it's all clear to leave and we have an appointment!"

Alara looked out at the stars as the ship entered space. Nothing fired at them, so she relaxed.

She thought of the pilot, who apparently had a plan. He flew like nobody's business, maybe as good as Gordon. He was nothing like Gordon, personality-wise, as far as she could tell. He kept to himself, stayed in the cockpit, mostly. During her brief training session, he'd be seen with Jack, never hung around the others during breaks. She never heard him speak. Gordon was outgoing, friendly. He was easy to talk to. In almost no time, he became her friend, got her to sit with him and John, then their little table group included Lieutenant Commander Bortus, the second officer, and Isaac, an artificial life-form from Kaylon, the ship's science officer. She felt a part of things, she felt like she belonged there. Now it was all gone. Gordon was gone. Gordon lost his best friend, and lost his commission, a job he loved. She hoped that she can rescue Ed and Kelly, and that that will at least give him a measure of peace.

She felt exhausted after all the action today, and the emotional toll of learning what happened to her former commanding officers, and went to sleep.

She woke up and looked out the window. They had landed on an open field. She saw another ship, a Union fleet shuttle, and a few of her group standing there waiting as the rear hatch opened, including the man she knew was the pilot, based on what he was wearing. He still had the helmet on.

She couldn't quite make out the lettering on the shuttle, but gasped when she saw who exited it. It was John Lamarr, then Isaac! She got up and headed out of the ship.

John walked up to the pilot and pointed to his helmet, smiling as he was talking. But soon he stopped smiling as the pilot was jabbing his chest. Now they were arguing, the other men looking uncomfortable. What was happening? Alara slowed down. John stared at him, then suddenly the two hugged! Huh? John knew this man? Well, Alara figured, it made sense, the man was a pilot. It isn't that farfetched that they'd know each other!

Alara walked up to John, hearing him say, "How you doing for real, man? Shit, that was a fucked-up day!" She slowed down to a stop a couple paces behind the other pilot, puzzled by their conversation.

Alara gasped when she heard, "Yeah, I fucked up! I don't know if I'll ever live that down. She didn't... deserve... the shit I put her through! Sometimes I think I should meet her and let her rip my head off! Just sometimes, though!" He chuckled. Alara was stunned! She'd recognize that voice anywhere!

John suddenly saw Alara and froze in place, staring! Alara just stood there, shaking, tears running down her cheeks. She couldn't help it. "Holy shit, Gordon!" John said to the pilot, all the while staring at Alara.

"Dude, I'm kidding! I'm just saying I feel bad..." he stopped and turned around to see what John was staring at. Alara gasped. He was thin, almost gaunt. He was clean shaven. He wasn't wearing his goggles so she saw his eyes. Those eyes...

"Oh... Gordon..." her voice quavered.

Gordon's eyes widened as he mouthed, "Wha..."

"Dude, you didn't know?" John exclaimed, laughing. "Whoa!"

Now Gordon just stared at her, shaking his head. He blinked and started to tear up. His heart pounded and his knees felt like they were going to buckle. For a fleeting moment, he wondered why he was affected so. He didn't have much time to ponder that when Alara walked up to him.

Suddenly Alara's arms were around him, "Oh, Gordon, Gordon!" she cried. He stood stock still, as if in shock. Any tighter and she'd crush him to death, he thought. Shit, we barely know each other, why are we acting like we're old, dear friends? He sensed that mentioning how tightly she was hugging him might be a sensitive topic, from what he remembered hearing on the Orville. Well, he could still breathe. 'Just keep cool,' he told himself mentally. 

Hugging Gordon had a calming effect on her. Alara felt almost at peace, she didn't want to let go. She didn't care what anybody thought. She suddenly realized how tightly she was holding him and released him. She looked at him, suddenly worried, but he just grinned, and flexed his arms a little. She appreciated that he didn't say anything, suddenly touched by his sensitivity, something she wouldn't have guessed about him. She stepped back and gave him a little smile.

"I have brought the recordings you requested," Isaac said, startling the three of them. He had in his arms a large container. Alara couldn't imagine what that was, you didn't need something that big to store files.

"Ugh, what a mood killer," Gordon grumbled. But the three of them were still smiling.

They said their goodbyes and John took off. The group headed back to the ship. 

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