The Dentist Appointment

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I glanced at my clock, then shut my eyelids back as if they were magnets. I processed the time as I attempted to go back to sleep, and realizing how late it was I leaped out of bed. I promised Justin I would go with him to the dentist, he had been scared ever since he was 7. I had an hour until Justin was going to pick me up. I contemplated what I was going to wear, but couldn't find anything suitable. It's just the dentist, I thought, why do you care about how you look? But I did care. Ever since I began to "ditch the Cat Valentine look," I had to make sure everyone knew that this was me now. I wasn't going back to Nickelodeon. However, considering all the hate I get, I couldn't wear whatever I wanted. I was in a thin area of what I can wear without being called a child, or being called a whore. I groaned as I approached my dirty-clothes bin. NOTHING. I slipped on a sweatshirt and jeans, telling myself to not care. I applied my makeup as Severus, my dog, chewed my shoes. I didn't realize it until it was too late. Justin is going to be here any minute, and those were the only shoes I had while I stayed at Frankie's, I stressed. The doorbell rang. Maybe Justin has an extra pair of shoes in his car. I run out with my hair barely brushed and no shoes. Justin laughed at my misfortune. "Is this amusing to you?" I tried to be mad but couldn't help myself from laughing at myself too. "You look very ravishing, Ms. Grande," he said jokingly. "As do you," I replied laughing as I examined he was wearing the same thing he wore last night. He started the car and we sat in silence for a moment. Finally he said, "Thanks for coming with me, I knew Selena wouldn't understand my fear and might make fun of me." I rolled my eyes. "Look, I know you don't like Sel," Justin said, "but just give her a chance; she's a nice girl." I rolled my eyes again. Selena and I hadn't exactly been on good terms considering all the drama which happening behind the scenes of our tv shows. We shot on the same set. More silence in the car. "You want to get some ice cream?" Justin asked. "You're just trying to get out of this dentist appointment," I said bursting out laughing. I rolled my eyes at him. "They have coffee too...," he bribed me. He knew I was a sucker for coffee. I leaped out of the car without my shoes and ran into the store, Justin followed. We didn't get very far into store without people shouting, taking pictures, or asking "IS IT REALLY YOU?" It made me feel weird, and I wasn't a fan of the attention I got. However, I love my luvs so much, and adored each and every one of them. I sent Justin to get the food, and took many selfies with the fans. It was fun, and most of them were no older than 12. I smiled, thinking about how much support I have. We got in the car, and Justin made jokes about the duckfaces in my selfies with the luvs in the store. I lightly and jokingly punched his arm, and he laughed. When we got to the dentist, Justin was practically begging me to take him back to the car. "Come on, you're a big boy," I said, treating him like a dog. I took his arms and walked backwards, he stumbled along as I pulled. I guess the Paparazzi had followed us. Interviewers with questions and huge cameras swarmed us.
I ignored them all, and continued walking with Justin as bright lights were shined in my face. Justin held me in his arms, and hovered over me as he tried to shield me from the Pap. We ran into the girls bathroom. He felt uncomfortable, and I guess it didn't help that I was snorting and laughing. He eventually cracked a smile too. "At least we delayed your appointment a little bit, right?" He grinned really big and thanked me again for coming with him. "No problem, it's either that or watch reality tv all day." I looked down at my bare feet, wondering if the cameras showed that. Justin saw me looking and laughed, he lifted my chin up with his finger. "You're fine, the cameras mainly showed our faces," he always knew what I was thinking. When his hand touched my face, I felt a feeling come over me, it was warmth and coolness combined. My stomach knotted, he brushed my hair behind my ear with his hand. I smiled right into is deep brown eyes. He leaned in, and I knew what was going to happen. I tried to talk myself out of it, but just stood there. His lips softly touched mine, and then I backed away. What was I doing? "We shouldn't have done that," I said. "I know," he replied. And looked into my eyes again. It was something about our eye's connection. I jumped on him and wrapped my legs around his waist. We were pressed against a sink, and hardly pressed against each other's lips. His pocket started vibrating. "I really hope that's your phone vibrating," I joked. He picked me up and set me down. It was Selena. I listen with my head pressed against the wall, holding back tears. How stupid could I be? I listened to the conversation. "Yeah I'm at the dentist- my friend Ariana went with me- I love you babe, I miss you." How could I make-out with a guy in a relationship who doesn't care about me? So many things circled my head. I pulled out my phone and called Frankie. "I can take you home," Justin said. "I'm fine," I replied and told Frankie where I was. I didn't tell Frankie about Justin. I couldn't tell anyone.

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⏰ Last updated: May 17, 2015 ⏰

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