Chapter 2

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I must have fallen asleep, because I woke up to a knock on my door. I was up in a second rushing to put back on my shoes and jewelry. I finished and rushed to the door. I pulled it open and in front of me was a short boy in a royal guard uniform. He had brown, fluffy, hair that covered his eyes, bee wings and antennas, and four arms, two on each side.

"Hello, Prince Ranboo! Your parents assigned me as your royal guard. My name is Tubbo!" He stuck out his hand and I hesitantly shook it. "At least you know how to knock, my last guard had no manners whatsoever. Come in." I moved to the side so he could come in, and he looked surprised by my room. After all, it wasn't really what you would expect walking into a prince's room.

I had fairy lights hanging from the ceiling, fake vines fell over all the surfaces, posters covered the walls, there was a giant bean bag in one corner next to my bookshelves and enchanting table, my cat, Enderchest, was asleep on my bed, and to top it all off one wall was lined with shelves that were stuffed with trinkets I've collected. Barely any bare wall was showing.

I snickered when he started freaking out over Enderchest. He looked up at me like he remembered that he was at work. "So, your parents told me that you wanted to go out into the village." He commented, stroking my cat. "Yes, but I don't want you to feel like you have to take me." I looked at my feet embarrassed. "No, it's alright, I was planning on doing a little shopping today anyways."

289 words, a bit shorter than usual. Anyway make sure you eat, sleep, piss, shit, all that jazz. Don't bind or wear your bra for more than 8 hours, I wouldn't want you cracking a rib. Love you all, bye! <3

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