Chapter 3

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 Chapter 3

His erratic breaths misted in the air, Semi rain with all his might into the stormy night. He was running out of time, legs burning with intensity, but he went on.

He almost slipped when running a corner from the drenched slippery concrete under his feet,

'Almost there...'

In the state of his panic, he managed to trace her call with the help of his friend in the police force. She was located at a phone booth, not too far from where he lived. The streets were empty but he struggled to see clearly through the hard pellets of rain. It was so dark all around him, he was frightened. Everything around him felt eerie, his gut was clenching.

Sliding to a halt, he panicked when he faced the booth... The windows were foggy, he couldn't see inside. Cautiously, he approached the door, yanking it open. Panting hard, his eyes widened.

She wasn't there...

"No..." He groaned, raking his hand through his wet hair... Cursing his fist collied with the wall, head hanging in defeat... The phone was hanging from its receiver, dangling by his knees... Eyes squinting, his caught sight of drops of blood, trailing outside of the booth. His gaze wandered on the floor realizing a necklace was dropped in the corner. Picking it up, he eyed the jewelry noticing the chain was broken... Looking like the necklace was yanked off. Curling it into his fist, he shoved it into his pocket.

The blood drops outside had already washed away from the pouring rain but now he sensed she had to be nearby. Hastily he looked in every nook and cranny of the area, praying silently to the gods above him.

Stopping in his tracks, he turned in time for the lightening to strike, illuminating the entrance of a dark alley... In any other circumstance, he would have never dared to venture in there but his gut was telling him otherwise.

He troded through the dark alley, feeling chills down his spine. It was so dark but he went on, being aided by the flashing bolts of light from the stormy clouds. A loud crackle of thunder boomed and he halted, his pupils dilating from the lightening.

"Oh god..."

She lay there slumped against the grimy alley wall, making him run towards her, dropping on his knees, by her side.

"Hey!" He yelled, completely panic stricken. He didn't know what to do, she was completely battered and bruised... She wasn't responding, and he checked her pulse, panting. He could barely feel her pulse making relief wash over him. Carefully he slid his arm under her legs, standing up but she whimpered, sobbing from the pain.

Hushing her gently, he heard the sirens in the distance

"I'm here now..."


Everything was dark...

Nothing but pitch swarthiness...

Her breathing quickened, she could feel her heart pumping wildly in her ears. She heard a drop of water, making her stand alert. She had no idea where she was, it felt cold...

Oh, so cold.

'I don't want to be here...' She whimpered, her legs trembling.

"Y/n" A voice called from behind her

Her breath hitched, the hairs on the back of her neck standing alert... The beating of her heart deafening her ears...

"Y/n" Tatsuji's voice called again, even closer, almost as if he was right behind her

'Run' Her instinct told her and she didn't wait, her legs taking off as fast as they could as she ran through the darkness.

"Y/n!" Tatsuji's scream roared and echoed making her cower, running harder

[ON HOLD*] Tainted Love  (Timeskip!Semi Eita x OC) [NSFW]Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora