Death in the family

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Felicity had set up shop in the motel room. Diggle staying behind as protection. The others were currently on Rays plane. Heading to Nanda Parbat.

"Okay. ETA 15 minutes." Felicity said into the comm. Ray nodded and squeezed Saras hand before kissing her temple. If Roy or Thea noticed, they didn't say anything.

"Okay. We clear on the plan?" Felicity asked. Everyone on the plane nodded. "Yep." Ray supplied for all of them. "Okay. Good. I'll stay on comm as long as I can. Not sure what WiFi they have out there." She said with a small smirk.

"May the force be with us." Ray said with a smirk. Sara rolled her eyes and swatted the back of his head. "Ow." he said with a teasing pout. She just rolled her eyes again


Oliver was led back to his room by Nyssa. who had a strange look in her eyes. almost haunted. "Are you alright?" He asked her. he didn't want to care about her. but he couldn't help it. she seemed like a good person under her persona.

"Fine." She said simply. glaring at him before turning and walking out of the room and down the hall. Oliver just sighed and lay down on his back on the bed. his thoughts drifting to Felicity.

Nyssa walked down the hall away from Olivers room before she finally let her tears fall. How could she have done that? she killed a child. surely her father had a reason... but why hadn't he told her? she felt sick.

she continued to walk until a loud crash sounded and the ground shook. Several league members ran down the hall past her. She looked aorund with confusion. what was going on? She was about to pull one of the members aside and ask before Talia ran up to her.

"Olivers friends have decided to try and rescue him. Let us defend our father, sister." Talia said before handing Nyssa her bow and arrows and running after the other members. Nyssa swallowed hard and looked down at the weapons in her hands.


"Ray! Duck!" Ray immediately ducked as Sara threw an arrow into a league member behind him. "Thanks." He said with a small smirk as he stood up. "Don't thank me yet." She said with a small smile as they ran down the hall.

Sara took out a few more guards as Ray worked on unlocking the door to Connors room. When he finally got it open, he quickly walked in to see Connor hiding behind the bed. "Hi. I'm Ray Palmer. I'm here to rescue you."


"Ollie!" "Speedy!?" Oliver and Thea collided in each others arms as they pulled each other into a tight hug. She handed Oliver his Arrow gear she and Roy had brought. Oliver smiled and quickly put everything on as Thea filled him in on the plan.

As they ran down the hall, they (literally) ran into Nyssa. Thea immediately raised her bow but Oliver stopped her with his hand. Nyssa took a deep breath and spoke quickly. "You were right. I can help you stop him."

"how can we trust you?" Roy asked, glaring at her. "because i know how to kill him." She said softly.


Sara and Ray got Connor and were running back to the plane when Barry showed up. "Finally." Sara said with a small smile as she handed Connor off to Barry. "Take him to Felicity." "On it." Barry said with a small smile as he picked up Connor and ran.

Sara started to run back down the hall before Ray grabbed her arm. "We might not make it out of here." he said with a sad smile. Sara gave the same smile back before gently pulling his face to hers, kissing him gently before they ran back down the hall. shoulder to shoulder.

Olicity: Kids in the Arrow caveDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora