Chapter 2: Laughs to heal pain (Winter)

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The snow covered the academy with its soft blanket, accompanied by a breeze that could freeze the skin of anyone who went out in summer clothes. For some people it was an atrocious weather and one where someone just wanted to stay home drinking warm things and sleeping.

But for the UA students, it was the perfect weather for the Christmas holidays.

December. Second year where the entire class A was going to spend Christmas as a little family. It had been a productive year, and by this time they had finished 66% of the hero course. They deserved a break after all the effort in exams and practices; and as soon as the vacations started, they started having a lot of fun in their dorms.

Kaminari was especially excited. He started the day by putting on warm clothes, and then went outside to enjoy the falling snow. Some of the guys with him were talking about how great the weather was, as they started doing the typical things people do on a snowy day: snowmen and angels on the ground. Others decided to stay inside because they didn't want to go out into the cold, especially Tsuyu.

Outside, Kaminari was looking at the horizon while talking to Sero and Kirishima. He thought about how nice life had been with him; it had brought wonderful people into his life, and a great future as a hero. He knew his strengths, and loved that he was moving forward step by step with his friends. It even made him meet the first girl he honestly fell in love with. Jirou was someone cold and pragmatic, but he knew he could make her fall for his charms.

It was suddenly that his thoughts vanished when he saw Mineta throw a snowball at Sero. Then he responded and it casually landed on Bakugou. And a few minutes later, they were all in a pitched snow battle.

Some used their quirks to propel the snowballs faster, while others hid behind bushes and benches to avoid the oncoming projectiles at speed, especially knowing that Bakugou loved to put water on his snowballs. The fun, though half weird, was never lacking.

But Kaminari realized that during the whole day, he hadn't seen Jirou, the girl who was almost always on his mind. Not even inside the dormitories. Momo told him that she had gone out for a walk around the academy, and would be back later, but Kaminari didn't trust her. That week, he looked at the purple-haired girl very different, and he didn't want her to miss out on the fun with the rest. He slowly separated himself from the rest of the class and started looking for her all over UA.

It didn't take him long. A few moments later, he found Jirou sitting on a bench behind the dorms. He approached her as he began to speak.

"Jirou!" the boy couldn't hide his joy at the sight of the purple-haired girl. "We're playing snow wars, would you love to come with us?"

The girl didn't answer him. She was in deep silence, as she looked down at the snow-covered ground. Kaminari started talking again.

"Hey Jirou, are you with me?"

"Yes, I heard you. And the answer is no, I don't plan to move from this place."

Jirou's serious answer and serious tone made the boy see that she was not in a good mood. And it was something that made him uncomfortable, because it had already been a week where she didn't look like herself, and didn't enjoy the time with the rest. She looked down. He didn't like that on a day of celebration with the classroom, she was absent and sad.

He decided to ask what was going on.

"Hey, you ok?"

"Yeah, I'm straight."

Jirou's direct and quick response let him know that she was lying. Throughout his time with her, he had known her mannerisms and responses. And he was sure that at that moment she wasn't fine.

The Kamijirou Anthology - Kamijirou Week 2022-23Where stories live. Discover now