"The life you want for my son is not one that he would be happy with. And I swore allegiance to him and the Moon, and they are both in agreement that they don't want to live in a cage." Quirin said as he hauled hay onto a pile. "The Moonstone had me birth a human vessel because she wanted to experience true freedom, human life. And while they don't always get along, Varian seems to have adjusted to being with the Moonstone and is content to carry her with him through the rest of his days."

King Edmund sighed. "And you? What will you do?"

"My place is here. I have an entire village of ex-criminals to care for and a son to take care of." Quirin put the pitchfork down. "On that note, what will you do about yours?"

King Edmund glanced away. "Horace—Eugene—has made his intentions to stay very clear. He has his role here, and does not want to leave it. This is his home."

"What of Prince Brock?" Quirin asked calmly.

"I...have not asked him yet if he would like to come live with me, but the thought did cross my mind." Quirin admitted. "I just don't know if he would want the kind of life that I—"

"Are you kidding me?! YES!" Brock walked up to him. "Sorry, overheard when I was bringing the cow back in. Of course, I'll go back with you, dad!"

King Edmund smiled. "You haven't even seen the place."

"I've heard enough about it. Besides, I'm excited to see it for myself. It's a whole new adventure!" Brock grinned.

"Well..." King Edmund smiled. "Why don't you start packing, then? We leave in two days."

Brock bounced on his feet excitedly and ran off. Quirin chuckled. "He's going to be a handful."

"Well, you managed yours. And mine isn't a teenager anymore." King Edmund shrugged. "Well, I better go find Adira and Hector and tell them when we're going. A pity you won't join us, brother."

"I told you, my place is here." Quirin said calmly. "But, Varian and I will come and visit you from time to time."

"You better. No more losing contact for twenty-five years." King Edmund pointed at him, then chuckled and left, Hamuel cawing on his shoulder. "Well, we tried, Hamuel. We tried."

Quirin sighed and went back to work.


"Are you sure that this will work?" Demanitus asked as Kline drew up a magic circle. "Zhan Tiri never had to do any magic circles, did she, Regulus?"

Ruddiger shook his head.

"Zhan Tiri is a demon, I am only human." Kline said patiently. "Now, unless you don't want to be human again..."

"Be silent. I understand." Demanitus nodded.

"Thank you." Kline went back to his circle.

Ruddiger leaned on his hand thoughtfully as he watched the Saporian work, then let out a gasp when the spell was used and his old teacher was standing before him. Well, right before he grabbed a blanket and threw it over the man with a squawk.

"Yes, I do believe clothes in order." Demanitus said from under the blanket.

"Maisie will do that for you, he just needed to know your measurements." Kline said as he started to clean up his circle.

Ruddiger walked over and grabbed Demanitus' hand and pulled him into the other room.

"Oh, I forgot to ask, did you want the monkey tail still?" Kline asked as they went.

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