Chapter 16: Rhaenyra's Response

Start from the beginning

'Without the Lannisters, we are not like to find any allies west of the Golden Tooth,' Rhaenyra spoke. 

'The riverlands are essential, Your Grace,' Daemon said. 

'Pray, forgive my bluntness, Your Grace, but talk of men is moot,' one of the councilmen spoke up. Your cause owns a power that has not been seen in this world since the days of Old Valyria. Dragons.' There was a moment of silence. 

'The Greens have dragons as well,' Rhaenyra reminded the council. 

'They have three adults, by my count. Four, if we are counting your daughter, Elaena. We have Syrax, Caraxes and Meleys. Your sons have Vermax, Arrax and Tyraxes. Baela has Moondancer.'

'Daemon, none of our dragons have been to war,' Rhaenyra spoke. 

'There are also unclaimed dragons. Seasmoke still resides on Driftmark. Vermithor dwells on the Dragonmont, still riderless. Then there are the three wild dragons, all of whom nest here.'

'And who is to ride them?' Rhaenyra asked sharply. 

'Dragonstone has 13 to their 5,' Daemon replied. 

'My daughter has not declared her allegiance.' 

'She declared her allegiance the moment she married Prince Aemond,' Daemon snapped. 

'She wedded him because of the assault, Daemon. For the Crown to save face. To strengthen House Targaryen.' There was silence. 

'Now... we need a place to gather,' Daemon said, grabbing one of the iron emblems that they were using to mark the allegiances of each of the regions of Westeros, 'a toehold large enough to house a sizable host.' He placed the iron emblem on the region indicating Harrenhal on the map. 'Here - at Harrenhal. We cut off the West, surround King's Landing with the dragons. And we could have every Green head mounted on spikes before the fucking moon turns.' Just then Ser Erryk stepped up to Rhaenyra. 

'Your Grace...' he said quietly, 'a ship has been sighted offshore. A lone galleon, flying the banner of a three-headed green dragon.' 

'Alert the watchtowers,' Daemon said, grabbing his sword from where it was leaning against the table. 'Sight the skies.' 

Daemon and the Queensguard stood on one end of the bridge at Dragonstone, outside of the opened gates. Daemon, who was pacing back and forth, looked up to see Otto with several knights and the remaining members of Aegon's Kingsguard walk up to them.

'I come at the behest of the Dowager Queen Alicent, mother of King Aegon, Second of His Name, Lord and Protector of the Seven Kingdoms. I've been directed to deliver her message only to Princess Rhaenyra. Where is the Princess?' Suddenly, a roar sounded from the walls of Dragonstone as the golden dragon of Queen Rhaenyra, Syrax, flew out and around the men, and eventually landed on the far side of Otto's men. Rhaenyra walked through the men to stand beside Daemon. 'Princess Rhaenyra,' Otto greeted. 

'I'm Queen Rhaenyra now,' she replied. 'And you all are traitors to the realm.' 

'King Aegon Targaryen, Second of His Name... in his wisdom and desire for peace, is offering terms. Acknowledge Aegon as King and swear obeisance before the Iron Throne. In exchange, His Grace will confirm your possession of Dragonstone. It will pass to your trueborn son, Jacaerys, upon your death. Lucerys will be confirmed as the legitimate heir to Driftmark and all the lands and holdings of House Velaryon. Your daughter Elaena will continue to live in protection and security under House Targaryen as the wife of King Aegon's brother, Prince Aemond. Your sons by Prince Daemon will also be given places of high honour at court, Aegon the Younger as the King's squire, Viserys as his cupbearer. Finally, the King, in his good grace, will pardon any knight or lord who conspired against his ascent.' 

'I would rather feed my sons to the dragons then have them carry shields and cups for your drunken, usurper cunt of a king,' Daemon spoke sharply. 

'Aegon Targaryen sits the Iron Throne. He wears the Conqueror's crown, wields the Conqueror's sword, has the Conqueror's name. He was anointed by a septon of the Faith before the eyes of thousands. Every symbol of legitimacy belongs to him. And then there is Stark, Tully, Baratheon. Houses that have also received, and are at present, considering generous terms from their king.' 

'Stark, Tully, and Baratheon all swore to me when King Viserys named me his heir.' 

'Stale oaths will not put you on the Iron Throne, Princess,' Otto replied, walking towards Rhaenyra. The members of her Queensguard went to draw their swords, as did the members of Aegon's Kingsguard, but neither side did nothing. 'The succession changed the day your father sired a son. I only regret that you and he were the last to see the truth of it.' Rhaenyra stormed up to him, ripping off his Hand of the King pin from his coat lapel. 

'You are no more Hand than Aegon is King,' she said, tossing the pin over the side of the bridge. 'Fucking traitor.' There was silence. 

'Grand Maester,' Otto spoke. The man walked forward, placing something in Otto's hand, which he handed to Rhaenyra. 

'What the fuck is this?' Daemon snapped impatiently. Rhaenyra opened the piece of paper, seeing the sheet of paper from the history book that she'd torn out for Alicent all those years ago when they were younger. 

'Queen Alicent has not forgotten the love you once had for each other,' Otto spoke. 'No blood need be spilled. The realm can carry on in peace. Queen Alicent eagerly awaits your answer.' Silent tears spilled down Rhaenyra's face. 

'She can have her answer now,' Daemon replied, 'stuffed in her father's face along with his withered cock. Let's end this mummer's farce.' He unsheathed his sword, as did the members of the Queensguard, and the Kingsguard rushed to protect Otto from their vengeful blades. But still, neither party did anything. 'Ser Erryk, bring me Lord Hightower so I may take the pleasure myself,' he added. Syrax roared, startling almost everyone on the bridge except Rhaenyra and Daemon. 

'No,' Rhaenyra called. There was a moment of indecision for a second before Daemon stood, with his sword in front of him. She turned back to Otto. 'King's Landing shall have my answer on the morrow.' She turned and walked past Daemon, and he followed after her, with the members of her Queensguard sheathing their swords and following the two of them back through the gates of Dragonstone. 

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