chapter 1

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As I woke up from another nightmare it was around six am,I rubbed my eyes and tried to catch my breath which was going only quicker then expected.i shake the nightmare off and began getting ready for the day,it was a Monday which wasn't very pleasant.

As I hurried to the bathroom I placed my hair in a messy bun and began taking off my clothes,I practically jumped into the shower letting the hot water wash away the memories from last night,

"Your a disgrace,I don't know why your in this family,i never thought my daughter would be this much a disappointment to me and your mother!"my father yelled at me,I looked at the floor tears streaming down
"I never want to see your face ever again!"he yelled,he grabbed a vase and threw it in my direction I dodged it quickly,I ran out the house tears spilling buckets,as I got in my car I locked all the doors.

I bashed my head on the steering wheel hard,blood ws seen as I out of anger from my father grabbed my pocket knife and made severe cuts on my wrists multiple times,blood was dropping onto my jeans,my breathing was heavy nobody was here,I could hear my dad yelling at my mother and her yelling at him.

After I calmed down I looked at the damage I did to myself"no no no no!"I cried out,I cried untill I couldn't anymore my eyes were sore,and I desperately wanted to sleep,I grabbed the steering wheel by force and began driving,i went over the speed limit but luckily no cops were there at that time.

As I got into my house with alot of effort,I head to the bathroom where i put bandaids all over my cuts and fixed my for head it hurt like hell but I got through it,i took a quick shower and layed exhaustingly on my bed,the rest of the day I was a knockout untill tomorrow morning.

*end flashback*
I get out the steamy shower and brush my teeth,I look As in the mirror the cut on my for head healed but the cuts on my arm were still to be seen ever so slightly.

As I put on my work clothes and head out the door,I decided to walk since it wasn't that far on the way I stopped at my favourite coffee shop where my bestfriend worked"hey sam"i said and waved at him as I sit by a table"hey y/n what can I get you?"he asked me taking out a note pad"just the usual"i said he nodded and checked it up,by the time I got my coffee and headed out the door.

As I walked a few minutes sombody bumped into me causing me to spill my coffee,great just what I needed"oh I'm so sorry"she woman said I looked up at her and holy shit"oh my gosh yo-you are Charlize Theron!"I said excitingly completely forgetting about the coffee,she smiles and nodded"i am...I'm really sorry about your coffee here let me buy you a new one..I was actually heading to get a coffee myself!"she said I mean who wouldn't want to spend some time with her "o-okay s-sure"i said "great let's go"she said as she grabbed my hand and pulled me.

"I-i have to say this but I'm a huge fan" I said to her she looked at me and smiled"thank you.....darling"she said I blushed at the petname she seemed to have noticed because only then did she flash me a smirk.

As we both walked I couldn't keep my cool I was walking with THE charlize Theron side by side!!

"Thank you"i said as she held the door for me open"your welcome,you go take a seat I will come as soon as I order"she said demandingly i obeyed her and sat down by a table

A few minutes later she came back with two coffees in her hand ,as she handed me one our hands touched,hers were so soft,I smile at her"thanks"i say as I sip the hot coffee"no problem"she said.

Most of the time we just talked about her movies and how much of a good actress she is,but I was sad when it came to and end she had to go and so did I.

"Well I had fun today y/n it was nice meeting one of my lovely fans"she said smiling down at me,I smiled and blushed alot"y-yes it was nice spending some time with one of my favourite actresses"i say as I scratch the back of my neck"well then I beter get going cya around y/n"she said as she turned around"bye bye"i said sad that she had to go

Damn was it a good start to my Monday morning or want
Lmk your opinions

Word count:869

My Love||Charlize Theron X Female Reader Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt