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**At Six Flags**
"Omg what ride should we go on first?" Pepper asked, I honestly thought she was terrified of rollercoaster because she doesn't seem like she would be into them. "How about Raging Bull?" Sawyer asked excitingly. "Oh no no no" I said, I noticed my hands start to sweat ugh everyone know I hate BIG rollercoaster and he choose that one. "Awe is little Lila afraid to go on the rollercoaster, what a wimp, hey Sawyer" ugh Emily, only the girls know I've hated her since 4th grade, she's always causing drama.

"Hey Bella are you okay?" Emily asked Bella in such a innocent voice. "Yeah, why wouldn't I be okay?" Bella asked super confused at the time. "Oh didn't you hear Lila is going around the school telling everyone you and Kyle are dating" Emily told Bella. At the time Bella didn't know if she liked him or not, she only told be about it cause she knew Pepper would try to get them together, as for Sophie she's force him to date her. Bella stormed off, once she found me I felt someone yank my hair. "Um excuse me" I said turning around not realizing it was Bella. "How could you? I thought I could trust you" Bella said basically raging out. "What did I do?" I asked. "YOUR TELLING EVERYONE THAT ME AND KYLE ARE DATING THAT'S WHAT" Bella screamed. "Who told you that?" I asked having a feeling I knew who told her this. "Emily" she said. "Dude you know Emily hates me and she's trying to get all my friends against me the questions should be why did YOU trust her" I stated. "Your right Lils, I'm sorry I raged out on you" Bella said as we gave each other a friendly hug. Then the rest was history.

*end of flashback*
"Look Em-", before I could finish my sentence Sawyer stood in front of be, basically protecting me. "What do you want Emily? Can you just leave us alone? I mean its pretty obvious no one wants you here" Sawyer stated proudly. Emily didn't say anything all she did was huff away. We all shared a laugh at that.

As we all went to the Raging Bull I was starting to feel super anxious. My palms were sweaty (*quick A/N does that line remind any of you guys of a song, probably by Eminem?*) I tried to get through it though.

"You okay?" Sawyer asked all concern like. "I mean yeah, I just wanna go on the ride and get over with it." I said mentally freaking out. "Its okay I got you." Sawyer said putting his arm around me. Honestly at that moment I felt a spark, I hope he did too.

The new BATBD episode was af. I honestly ship the soccer guy (forgot his name) & Bella. I mean Trella is cute af but now I don't even know. Also am I the only one who thinks since Pepper and Sawyer are dating they should get more time together on the show? That's probably just me xD. Have a good day ❤.

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