Chapter 2

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A/N: to avoid confusion; I'm considering the prologue as the first chapter. that's why this is the second chapter. that's all, enjoy.



This definitely wasn't my first heart game. I've been through this before. I've been here for much longer than you might think.

The betrayal, manipulation and lying. I've seen and experienced unspeakable things. Apart from the murders of innocent people, I actually don't mind the games. I grew up playing them. During it, my mind can finally take a break from my inner thoughts and focus on the task at hand. This world made me realise that distracting myself from reality is one of my specialties.

After talking to Banda, I go back to the main area. There I spot Matsushita.

"Hey, could you check my suit?" I ask him. Truthfully, I believed Banda but I needed a way to start conversing with Matsushita.

He spares me no glance, as he walks past me.
I speak up "Banda, that guy. Are you sure he can be trusted?"

He stops "Do you think I would trust you more than him?"

Well, Banda definitely does. I thought. For a second I paused.

"Spades. Your suit is spades" I tell him "Now, tell me mine."

Matsushita stays silent and ignores me. As he starts walking away, he glances at me one last time and mumbles "...Heart".
I saw right through him. It was clearly a lie. He wants me gone. Matsushita... who are you?

He walks to Banda who was across the room from us. I saw Matsushita pointing at me and chishiya on the big screen. I figured he would suspect me now.

I walk to where the cells were.
"That banda guy. We need to be extremely cautious of him. He told the young guy to lie. I saw him do it. He looks kind. But in reality, he completely lacks empathy for others. He only has a theoretical understanding of other people's emotions. He's the kind to kill people for pleasure." I hear Yaba say to Kotoko.



Half an hour has passed. On my way to the bathroom I see Banda again, alone. We stop and stare.

"Is it you?" I ask. I wanted to be upfront, and also it makes the game more amusing.

"Would you believe me, if I told you my answer?" Banda replies and stares into my eyes. I chuckle at his response and walk past him.


It's time. I had already gotten the feeling that this would be the last round. We step into the rooms and voice our assumptions.

"Diamond" I say. BOOM

I hear a body fall onto the ground.

A few seconds later, I hear Matsushita say "I won!", followed by a maniacal laugh. He pathetically thinks he's the only survivor.

Slowly, I step out "You're the Jack of Hearts, just as I thought."

"How..." Matsushita looks at me in disbelief.

"Y/N and I saw when you and the murderer, Banda paired up" Chishiya appears from behind.

Just then, Banda steps out "There aren't many people who'd approach someone like me and if you tried to kill me, then you're either scheming, you're just a plain idiot, a psychopath or a sociopath"

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