11. Rain, Rain, go away~

Start from the beginning

The classroom door slides open and in comes Akihiko-kun. His emerald eyes land on me, and a smile quickly adorns his face as he approaches me with a small key in hand.

" Sorry to keep you waiting." He apologizes before using the key to unlock my chains...

The key was with him the entire time?!

" W...Where did you get that key...?" I asked.

" Kita-san gave it to me before she left. She said I should unlock your chains once I'm finished with my business..." then his face scrunches to one of terror. " When I asked her ' why', she gave me a scary smile that had the potential to give me nightmares. Is that normal?"

" No...I discovered the same thing as you just today....hence, why I was chained." We both nodded to each other in understanding, both of us having a shared fear of Kita Ikuyo.

" Well, shall we?" He gestures to the exit.

I nodded grabbed my guitar case.


" Ah...right.....it's raining...." He says, his shoulders suddenly slumping.

" It's not heavy though....I think you can bike home--"

" Ah...about that, I sorta crashed into a bush yesterday while riding it. The chain broke and some other parts were damaged too, so I handed it over to the repair shop." He says, scratching his head.

"...." That reminded me. I turned to him.

" My sister told me that you nearly killed her." I suddenly said and I see him flinch before laughing nervously.

" Kids sure have a way of going about things...." he looks at me with a terrified expression. " Did...she also tell your parents that?"

" I don't think so..." I said unsure, after all she's your typical blunt 5 year old that will say anything that comes to mind. I think she's the literal hell spawn of Satan though.

" So....what now? Do you have an umbrella?" I asked.

He releases a sigh, shaking his head in disappointment for himself.

" No....I usually go home by bike regardless of rain or sunny days. So I don't often have an umbrella on me, since I typically rely on the protective helmet on my bike as coverage from the rain...." his shoulder went slumping after the explanation.


Kita-chan....how were you so right...

" Kita-chan please--"

" No." She says with finality after locking my chains, no matter how much I struggled. I couldn't move.

" You're c-cruel..." I cried.

She ignores my remark with a flick of her hand before smiling to me excitedly.

" I saw on the news that it would rain today. Did you know?"

" That's why I want to go home as soon as possible..." I whined.

" Nu-uh girl! Look, this is just a feeling but..." she leans closer to my ear and begins to whisper.

" I have a feeling Akihiko-kun didn't bring his umbrella....I also don't see his bike around either. This is your chance to make a move~"

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