He had no idea what the other meant by that since Seonghwa had never told him that his eyes looked scary. In fact, San was more afraid of Seonghwa's eyes when he accidentally break something or make a mess. Still, Seonghwa had forgiven him every time which only made San more fearful for the day that his dad snaps.

"So, are you going on the field trip?" Wooyoung asked as they had just finished their class for the day and were headed to the gate. It was already quite late in the evening too.

"Crap. I haven't asked my dad yet. I'm afraid he might not let me," San sighed. As much as he loved his dad and knew his dad loved him, asking him things like him going somewhere alone was still difficult. He had never run an errand alone until he was 16 years old too, not because Seonghwa was strict but San had become a homebody without realising. He wasn't too keen on going out since Seonghwa barely left the house either. He had everything he needed at home too. A laptop, a phone, games. What more could he ask for? He even had some gym equipment to keep himself fit and if he ever needed anything, Seonghwa would get it for him so he was quite spoiled in that regard.

"Why not? You're not some princess who needs to be locked up and protected," Wooyoung said with pouty lips. "Come on. It'll be fun and it'll be with me so you know it will definitely be fun because I'm fun."

"Is that supposed to be a convincing reason?" San asked jokingly and Wooyoung gasped, smacking him on the arm. "Ow..."

"Of course it's the most convincing thing ever. Besides, you said you've never gone out camping or things like that unless your dad was there. You're already 19 now."

San rubbed his neck and made a squirmish look as he gave it some thought. They stopped at the bus stop and continued talking while waiting for it. "I'll try asking him but don't get your hopes up."

"I'll definitely put my hopes as high as I can, you bet your ass, Choi San."

"I'm not betting my ass for anything," San scoffed and Wooyoung used his butt to nudge San who could only laugh as he returned the nudge with his own butt. He stared at Wooyoung who was giggling and felt his heart flutter. He tried to push down the stifling feeling that crawled up his throat as felt a slight haze in his mind every time he looked at Wooyoung's smiling face with the evening light gently bouncing off him. He didn't know when it started but nowadays when he looked at Wooyoung, his heart would race and the other seemed to shine so brightly that it made his chest and head hurt. San wondered if there was something wrong with him.

"San~ San? Yah! Don't ignore me," Wooyoung cooed and threw his arms over San who flinched.

"Huh? What was that?"

"Why do you keep blanking out nowadays?" Wooyoung sulked and San felt his nerves break down around him but kept a hold on them as tightly as he could.

"No reason. Anyway, we have to part ways now," San replied quickly as the bus came to view, stopping at a red light down the street.

"Nooooo. I want to stay with you forever," Wooyoung whined and San felt his heart squeeze him again in that uncomfortable sensation.

"We are just going to see each other tomorrow," San said as he tried to separate his best friend from him.

"Why don't you ever invite me over to your place? We have been friends for over a year and my parents like you too but you have never invited me over."

San froze and his pupils shook as he tried to think of an excuse. He blinked and smiled to make himself look less nervous. "I already told you before, my dad doesn't like visitors, especially surprise visits."

"If it's an invitation like next week or something, it won't be a surprise visit, right?" Wooyoung said, trying to persuade San who was firm and shook his head.

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