Chapter 62: Acting in true colors

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The black-haired admiral shuttled through more than a dozen Zergs. Precisely cut their heads, pierced their eyes, and precisely avoided the corrosive liquid of the Zerg. The tattered clothes on his body added a beautiful sense of ruin to his elegant killing.

After tens of minutes of fighting like this.

The lightsaber in his hand could no longer maintain the light and shadow, and kept flickering. .

The energy is about to run out, but the people who just finished the battle don't seem to have the panic they should have when facing the threat of death, and their faces are still calm.

After a hearty battle, Gu Huan had completely forgotten that he was acting, and regarded this as every previous battle, where he had to fight to the death.

Enemies must be eliminated.

This is the iron rule that Gu Huan remembered when he was a mercenary.

Although his body had reached its limit, Gu Huan still held the sword tightly.

There is another Zerg, and the bunkers around it have been corroded by the Zerg's corrosive liquid.

Looking at the Zerg opposite, Gu Huan's eyes flickered slightly. There is no other way but to rush straight up.

Knees slightly bent.

With a sudden kick on the ground, holding the lightsaber in both hands, he rushed forward, caught the sawtooth of the Zerg, and cut across the sword.

Before the corrosive liquid was about to cover him, everything turned into a green studio again.

Shocked by all this and speechless, the staff who even forgot that this was just a scene finally realized that they should have stopped all this long ago.

Why don't they stop?

Of course you can't stop.

Respect for those who are fighting prevents them from meddling in everything inside.

This kind of fighter must be allowed to fight until the last moment!

Gu Huan took a breath under the green studio.

Seeing the people around him staring blankly at him, he was slightly taken aback.

He thought for a while, maybe his performance just now didn't meet the feeling they wanted, but the situation just now was a bit too dangerous, and it was too late to worry about his image. After all, a great man can't fight so embarrassingly, can he?

Gu Huan looked at the director with a cold expression but a serious tone.

"Director, let's start now." The audition just now was too engrossing.

"Officially begin?"

Fang Ji looked at Gu Huan with eyes that were no longer shining.

It is like a volcanic eruption with flames and magma.

"No need! It's already finished. The ones that were shot just now can definitely be cut into a very good promotional video."

"You did a great job!" the director said excitedly.

"You don't need to comfort me, I know I have less expression."

Gu Huan frowned slightly.

I was a little worried whether the director saw himself as a general and didn't dare to give more opinions to himself.

This is not necessary, after all, this promotional film will be screened throughout Interstellar, and everyone has to watch it. Since he was asked to act, he wanted to do well.

"It's really good!"

"That's right! I haven't seen anything better than yours."

"...Absolutely, if this promotional video is released, someone will have to call an ambulance."

"That's right, it's better to worry about everyone bleeding to death than worrying about the poor quality of this promotional video."

The surrounding staff recovered from the shock one after another, and praised him one after another. Gu Huan was taken aback. Before being sent out by the staff of the Propaganda Department, Gu Huan had a wrong perception of his acting skills. Maybe his acting skills are really good? After all, it is good to read.

This feeling that I have good acting skills, until I got home, Chu Xinglin appeared, and I also heard that he acted well, so I asked him to put on a smile.

"Your Highness, don't you have anything else to do?" Gu Huan said indifferently with no expression on his face.

Chu Xinglin was very busy deciphering the information found on the gn777 star, so he didn't have time to watch Gu Huan shoot the promotional video. Hearing Yueyang said that the filming was good, so he was a little curious about how Gu Huan made the film.

Knowing how cold Gu Huan is usually, it's hard to imagine what kind of role he can play.

You see, it's so hard to make him laugh.

Chu Xinglin sighed, and his dark blue eyes fell slightly on Gu Huan. Aimed at his hand watering the flowers.

Oh, yesterday.

Gu Huan finally took off his gloves to help him.

I'm sorry, I got his hands dirty, Chu Xinglin tilted his head, his eyes flashed darkly, and then he cooled down again, because there was still business to do.

"That information has been deciphered."

"Guess whose name appears on the information."

Gu Huan lowered his head, did not raise his face, and still listened to him.

"My mother and father." Chu Xinglin murmured softly.

"Queen of the Empire."

"Gu Nan..."

Gu Huan stopped watering the flowers.

[MTL]General, You've Lost Your Inhibitor!Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum