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I stood, waiting at my window.

I wait here every night.

I kept the light off,

And my door closed.

My blanket was pulled to my pillow,

Neatly covering the bed.

I sat there in silence.

Until he tapped on my window.

The man with two faces.

His nails were as sharp as talons,

His eyes were as pericing as the sun.

I stared into his eyes

And waited for his approval

Before opening the window.

He nodded and smiled

His teeth sharp yet rotting

His skin pulled dryly from his bones.

He has many names.

The death bringer

The Angel of Death

And most famously,

The Reaper.

But to me,

He is the one who takes away my pain.

And every night,

I go with him

And help him take away another's pain

And every morning

I am returned

Yet, tonight

His face is no longer full of life

And pityful. No longer full.

He smiled kindly

He reached out his hand once more to me

And I smiled back, placing my hand in his

I followed him through my window

And took one last look at my body,

Laying restfully on my neatly made bed.

She - I - died that night

And he gladly brought me home.

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