What If Tory told the All Valley commite about Silver paying the Ref? (1)

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(Takes place when Kyler told the cobras that he throwes a Party)

"Yo Party at my Place, Yo Queen Cobra you coming?" Kyler asked as he looked at Tory. "Yeah, I just need to get my bag." Tory said before the cobras went to the car.

Tory got inside the Buildung to get her bag, but she saw Sensei Silver and the Ref talking. "What are they doing here?" She thought while listening to they're conversation. "The money will be in your account." Silver said while putting his jacket on and the Ref replied
"Thank you Mr Silver."
Tory was shocked, she couldn't belidve what she just heard.
"What..  I didn't win?" She thought while going to get her Bag.

After Tory grabbed her bag she immeditaly  went home and didn't got inside Kyler's Car. She was angry and upset, how could Terry do this to her?
Tory repeadet the whole time the conversation on her way home.  It was now around 7pm when she arrived and went to her room. Kyler, Piper and the other cobras tried to call and messages her but Tory just ignored it.


Its been now a few days as Tory found it out. She  was so angry at her Sensei that Tory  went to her mom's  old laptop and emailed the  All Valley Commite.
She was a bit nervous to actually send it to them because Silver would be angry If he found out that she send it to them.

"Ok, Tory you got this. Just send it..."
She said loudly as she send the email.

" Omg I really did it..." Tory thought when she suddenly got a upcoming call from Robby. She totally forgot about they're date they had today.

"Hey Tor." Robby said happily.
"Hey Rob." She answered on the phone happy.
They both talked some minutes before they're hanging up.
"Okay Im picking you up at 8." Robby said to her.
"Okay see you Rob." She said.

Its about 4am rn and Im tired asf
I hope you guys enyojed the first part :))
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