iv | nice boys never say people eat insects

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AWAE | THE NEW CUTHBERTseason one - episode five» tightly knotted to a similar string «" nice boys never say people eat insects "

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season one - episode five
» tightly knotted to a similar string «
" nice boys never say people eat insects "

the girls surrounding sam giggled excitedly at the conversation. "shh, not so loud." josie said. "i got mine three months ago, and i feel extremely mature."

samantha rolled her eyes. in no world in her old school would anyone talk about this, even as hushed whispers, in public. she felt they were being improper. she also knew they were very uneducated on the matter.

"you seem mature." diana commented.

"you do." tillie added.

"i think the boys take me more seriously, too." josie added.

"but they can't tell. can they tell? that would be aweful." anne asked, fear striking her face.

"not tell, per se, but i'm not a little girl anymore, and i believe that's noticeable. my bosoms are growing." samantha mumbled the words along with her, mocking the proud girl, before turning to anne.

"no, anne. they can't tell." she reassured.

"yet another reason why this is inexplicable."

"i got mine last year."

"me, too."

"really?" samantha turned to ruby, sadness striking her at the younger girl's fear.

"you'll get it soon. i promise. besides, it an absolute burden when you finally do, so be happy." samantha said quietly to her, as diana continued on.

ruby started to sniffle, and sam placed her arm around her shoulder and pulled her in. "i'm not a woman. why don't i have it?" she sobbed. sam pulled her in tighter, sympathy coating her face.

"trust me, if i could give you mine, i would. this is so inconvenient." anne exclaimed. the girls immediately started shushing the girl, to which sam's face contorted into confusion.

"no one's supposed to know. a woman's cycle is a shameful thing."

"if it's shameful, why are you talking about it so openly? and it's not shameful at all, in fact. it's a natural occurrence. there's no shame in that. just as you have to eat, you get this. there's no shame in that at all." samantha defended. she was struggled between holding ruby comfortingly and explaining everything with anne that she was just about ready to burst.

"it's unmentionable."

"then stop mentioning it." samantha said sourly, glaring at the girls.

"that's not a reason." anne said calmly. sam sighed, but josie cut in before she could.

"why don't you ever understand anything?" samantha turned to say something just as cruel back, before anne kept on.

"marilla says it's gods plan, so doesn't that make it good? i mean, we can make a whole person. where's the shame in that?" sam smiled as she finally understood her own side in things.

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