Chapter 7-Executive meeting

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Akira walked towards you with a sparkle in his eye and a cute smile. He puffed up his cheeks and beamed at you. "Spar?" He pleaded with you with puppy eyes. Grinning, you gave in and accepted his request.

"Alright. Recall everything that I've taught you and charge at me with all you've got," you instructed Akira, who took in a deep breath and exhaled through his mouth, holding his fists up beside his head to protect it from getting hit. 

"This would be an interesting sight," chishiya commentated at the sides, making sure to watch you both closely.

Akira let out a battle cry before running towards you. "Too predictable, Akira," you shook your head as he went for a right punch. However, that was a diversion. When you were dodging to your right, he raised his left leg, going for a roundhouse kick. 

He almost got you, but you had faster reflexes. 

You spread your legs apart and ducked down in a near middle-split, dodging the attack before extending your left leg to trip his right leg that was balancing him.

Before he could fall down, Akira's hands came in contact with the ground, and he kicked forward to get back on his two feet while attacking you. In the process, you felt a little of the impact since you were previously squatting down and did not have enough time to dodge the attack completely. 

"You're too slow!" You exclaimed, giving him a knife hand strike in the stomach, resulting in him to groan from the pain. You stood still, clearly not giving your all into the spar. 

"Hm? Stop covering your eyes! Didn't I teach you to always be looking at your opponent?" You said, sending numerous punches towards him.

He then bended his elbows and clenched his fists tightly to form a shield in front of his face, blocking your multiple punches sent to him. However, he was not strong enough to resist your punches. You simply kicked his stomach, his weak spot and made him fall on the ground.

You wasted no time in placing your hand near his neck, and you won.

"Come on, Sis, stop going easy on me! Spar with me for real this time! Please!" Akira pleaded.

"Ah? Really? Then don't be embarrassed if you lose within 5 seconds," you were concerned for his pride fighting against you in front of Chishiya.

Once the spar began, you instantly dashed towards Akira, aiming for an uppercut with your right hand. He grabbed your wrist and used his left leg to kick you, pulling your right arm in an attempt to make you fall down.

"You think that's enough to get me?" You quickly turned around so you were back-facing him. You bent down whilst tugging his arm with force, causing his center gravity to move forward and him losing his balance. He collapsed forward with a front-flip.

"See? What did I say? That spar lasted exactly 5 seconds," you gave Akira a look that said 'I told you so'.

"Would you like to spar with me, Chishiya-kun?"

"No, thank you, I'm not the physical type. We both know the outcome of this fight already."

"Then why not have a spar, or an arm wrestle with me?" An intimidating baritone voice offered from behind you, lowering his bifocals. 

Whipping your head back, you noticed that it was the big, mighty man who was an executive and the boss of the militants. He lent out his gigantic hand towards you. "I want to see if you're cut-out to be a militant. You can go all-out with me," he reassured you. 

"I'm born ready!" You accepted the offer, clasping his hand with great force. "Though, it's obvious I don't have much strength for an arm wrestle. Just a spar."

Then, you heard clapping at the door's direction. You whipped your heads towards the door and noticed Niraigi clapping, an evil smirk on his face. "What a graceful fighting technique you have, Yuki-chan. Hatter wants to meet you in the meeting room. Come with me!" He ordered you, Aguni silently standing by your side.

"Come spar with me next week, at 10pm sharp. At the main hall. No weapons. I'll be free then," he instructed you. 

"Looking forward to it!" You shouted with excitement as you left with the two men. From the gym area, you could hear people murmuring about the upcoming spar. "Oi...The two of them are having a spar next week? We need to spread the news!" One of them whispered to the other. 

"Will the Beach's strongest man be over-throned?" Another woman questioned quizzically. 

With curiosity, multiple people were spreading the news like wildfire. 

Once you reached the room with Akira hand-in-hand, Aguni spoke up, "Leave the kid outside. We would only like to talk to you and Chishiya. The militant's devotees here will take care of him while you're away."


"Listen up, Kayami. In this beach, we make the rules, and you must abide by them, or die."



"So, Kayami-san, according to our beach member's observations, today is supposedly your second or third day here. My question to you is how do you gather so many cards even if you only worked with Chishiya here? Or were you previously in a group? How did you get to know this beach so well? Is there any information you have that might be of use to us?" Hatter queried, very interested in finding out more about you and Chishiya.

"Well, after our first game was completed, Chishiya and I went through the arena and inspected everybody's corpses. Apparently, it was most people's first game, or they could've been working in groups as you assumed so we collected 11 other cards from the 20 corpses in the arena. 4 of them, were your fellow beach members. I believe that one of them was the militant's devotee as he had a firearm with him. We took note of their bracelets that Niraigi and Tatta-san also wore . Plus, we spotted a walkie-talkie that asked him to get back to this beach after completing the game."

"Yes, I agree with Kayami. In my first game which was six of diamonds, I too saw people with similar blue bracelets that had numbers on them. I assumed that they were from a large group of people, since their numbers were in the hundredths place." Chishiya added. Both of you had some extra information to share, but you two kept quiet. I mean, why would anybody want to leak off some tactics to your possible enemies?

"You two seem to have a lot of potential as a strong duo, your strengths balancing each other, not to mention you two seem like a cute couple. Thus, after thorough consideration, and a quick voting session, we would like to promote the two of you to the executive position. Kayami, as for you, you have some fine weapons with you and you have a strong build. Would you like to join the militants?"

"Takeru-san, I'd rather not join a gang of people whose only job is to scare the living shit out of the people at the beach and kill innocent lives, especially with that psychopathic rapist over here," you contradicted. 

"Yeah? Want to be my next victim, girl?" Niraigi fought back, feeling offended to no extent.

"I see what you mean, Kayami. But think of your brother. Being a militant will grant you access to your weapons again, which will enable you to protect him. I would like you to put this to thorough consideration. I shall give you 'till tomorrow to think hard about your decision." Hatter reminded you of the benefits of being a militant. This was a good opportunity to access your weapons.

"Okay. But please don't involve me in the bullying of the people at the beach and party-crashing please," you stated your conditions.

You and Chishiya made eye contact with each other. You grinned slightly, your eyebrows furrowing. Chishiya raised his eyebrows in amusement. "This what I've been looking for since I've entered the borderlands. At last, I meet an interesting person instead of some hopeless person with a 'will to live'." Chishiya thought to himself.

(Wee! MERRY CHRISTMAS EVERYBODY! I spent so much time writing this that I did not even realize that it was midnight and christmas had arrived. Ah, time passes by so fast...)

The Queen of Spades (promise this is good)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu