Niraigi rolled his eyes and stayed put in his hiding spot. "Honestly, if you weren't on my team, I bet you'd be shot by my sister's machine gun in the first minute." Akira mumbled, Chishiya was snickering silently.

"Hm?" He used his index finger to lift his chin, bring his face closer to his. "And if you weren't on my team, I would torture you before raping your feisty sister over there!" Akira absolutely despised him. Even more than everybody else combined. If it weren't for you being with him, he would have stabbed niraigi before slowly skinning him, making sure he died a long, yet agonizing death.

Soon, an arrow shot through the air, and landed right next to Tatta's head, who gasped in fear. "Oh no, this is bad...TEAM 5 HAS LOCATED US! GET INTO THE POSITIONING!" You shouted, before climbing a tree swiftly. You pulled out your machine gun and began firing it at her, who continuously shot arrows at you with her crossbow. One of them hit your leg, but thankfully it was through your pants. You pulled it out, before continuing to shoot at her. One of your bullets had nearly hit her head, but she was way too agile for that.

"If I can't shoot her, then I'll take her landing pad away from her!" You aimed downwards at the idle tree and shot all of its branches. By the time the girl had wanted to jump towards it, she realised that she was in a dead end, and you used that opening to get a head shot. "Bullseye!" You giggled. 

You swung to the next tree and jumped down, shooting another person from team 5 who had a gun in his hand and looked the most dangerous among the team. Your gun had run out of ammo, but you had no time to reload it. Before they could chase after you, Akira had pulled his hand gun out of its holster, and shot one of them in his heart. As for the other two, Niraigi had shot one whilst Tatta beaten up the last one, Chishiya killing him by using his handmade taser to electrocute him.

Luckily, they had two flags, which meant that team 2 was either alive but had their flag stolen or was killed. That did not stop you from winning. Tatta simply picked up all five flags swiftly and the lady announced. "Game clear. Congratulations! Winner: Team 1. Team 1 has successfully collected all five flags." People from team 2 were screaming and pleading futilely for their poor lives.

A second later, a laser shot through from the sky and went through their heads, killing them in an instant, sending shivers down your spine. However, you remained sharp. You walked through the arena, checking everybody's pockets for any sources of important information or any more playing cards that you could add to your collection. Chishiya tagged along, remarking, "Inspecting everyone for important intel or cards? You turned out to be smarter than I thought."

Soon, you already had 8 cards in total, including the 8 of clubs card. Strangely, you found two walkie-talkies from team 2. You stepped out of the arena. "Come back to the beach if you've finished your game, the militant has informed us that they've completed the game."

You were puzzled. You considered it for a second, before saying to whoever was on the receiving end of the walkie-talkies, "Hello? Can you hear me? Tell me what is this 'beach' and where is it located?" 

"E-excuse me, but we are supposed to bring that card back to our place, unless you three would be interested in joining us," Tatta said, pointing to the 8 of clubs card you had in your hand.

"Tatta-san, that bracelet in your hand is the same as those deceased people from team 2 previously. Could you be from this 'beach' that they were mentioning?" You asked. Chishiya was listening attentively as he had suspected the same thing. Niraigi stepped in and replied, "How observant you are! If you want, we can take the three of you back with us and show you to our boss! He'll definitely want to accept you guys!"


"Kayami, I don't see a reason why we shouldn't. We can make more 'allies' and more *cards* together, which will secure our safety. Plus, they have electricity, which can be *used* to *our* benefit." Chishiya interrupted. You made a ghost of a smile as you comprehended what he was saying. 

What he actually meant by that was:

"Kayami, we should go to the beach. We can manipulate more people and steal more cards together, while using them to secure our safety. Plus, they have electricity, which means security cameras and the usage of your devices can be used to our advantage."

You nodded whilst smirking, "Yeah, I agree with you, Chishiya. Let's go to the beach."

"But Yu-chan—"

"Akira, this beach is a good place where you can complete the games in safety. Once we get there, you will like it." You told him while stroking his hair, hoping he would get the message. "Fine, but if I die or you die because of this, I'm gonna be so mad at the whole lot of you." You all got into the car that once had 6 beach members, now it was left with two and three soon-to-be beach members.

(Alright! The first game is complete! Now we're going to become beach members! What new people and experiences await us! A small spoiler that the next game is going to be the five of spades, where you will meet Arisu, Usagi and Karube since I do not want to waste any more time on other games. Besides, you now have an 8 day visa! Leave your comments below please it would make me very glad to read them!)

The Queen of Spades (promise this is good)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें