Six - Succession.

Start from the beginning

"Well what is it you think it means Jacaerys?"

"I don't know."

Laenora huffed, parying her sword above her head, swiftly moving between stances before the roaring fire. "Come on, use that big brain of yours brother."

"The king is swimming?"

"Dārys aerēbas. The king is travelling."

"Know it all." The younger boy huffed as Joffrey began to giggle in the corner from where he lay reading, much to the joy of their older sister. "Come on Joff don't you side with her too!"

"He's reading! Do not distract him!" Laenora laughed, jabbing her brother in the ribs with the tip of her sword.

Jace let out a yelp of pain, quickly gripping the hilt of her weapon and pulling her to him. Joffrey only began to laugh harder all the while the Maester stood before the stone table, terribly displeased, much to their ignorance.

"Laenora are you distracting your brother?" Rhaenyra appeared before them, clutching her swollen belly ripe with yet her 7th child.

"Merely correcting him mother. His Valyrian is improving but he still sometimes finds himself at a stalemate."

"Not everyone can be as perfect as you Lae, besides the Maester can tell me of Jace's studies. You should be focusing on your own."

"And that I am."

"Swordsmanship is not a study."

"Tis an elective mother. One that I am proud to say I'm excelling at."

"Dranyot..." Jacaerys mumbled, "The end."

"The mouth." Rhaenyra was the one to correct him this time.

"Come on Jace you knew that!" He cursed himself

"Perhaps that is enough for today?"

"No I want to keep going!"

"I don't expect you to learn high Valyrian in a day Jace."

"A king should honour the traditions of his forebears."

"Then it is luck that I shall be queen instead. You will only be king upon my death. Hobrenka mittys." The heir poked her kin's broad chest, malice spewing in her words.

"Your death can be arranged if you call me a fool again."

"I called you a fucking fool actually."


"Jacaerys unless you're planning to depose your own mother and sister you'll have plenty of time to study. Now come along children, we must ready ourselves for our journey."

Silently, Jacaerys laid his studies to rest and took Joffrey's hand leading him away to the earnest warmth of his chamber, all the while Rhaenyra lead her daughter down a darkened hall to her own.

"I do not wish to return to kingslanding mother." The brown eyed child admitted, "Not whilst those Hightower vultures are preying over Grandfather's throne."

"We must protect your brother's right to his seat upon Driftmark. Whilst Corlys Velaryon is unaccounted for his heir is being contested. And if we do not abide by those vulture's rules then Jace could very well be unseated."

"They will find the sea snake, and when they do he will command Jace as his rightful heir. Tis what he has always wished."

"I wish I had the same hope as you my girl." Rhaenyra sighed.

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